
Peak Gastroenterology Associates


World-class Care,
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Peak Gastroenterology Associates Who We Are


Peak Gastroenterology Associates is one of Colorado’s most prominent, fastest-growing gastroenterology practices, offering advanced care in our state-of-the-art Denver clinic. Our highly skilled and compassionate staff are committed to making your healthcare experience comfortable, safe, and effective.

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Procedures Offered What We Do


Our board-certified gastroenterologists in Denver are committed to excellence in patient care. We prioritize your comfort, actively listen to your concerns, and provide thorough answers to all your questions. Supported by a compassionate and skilled medical staff, we utilize cutting-edge diagnostic technologies and procedures for the highest standard of care.

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Our Areas of Expertise Specialists in Gastroenterology


At Peak Gastro, you gain access to some of Colorado’s foremost board-certified gastroenterologists in Denver. Our team is dedicated to delivering the highest level of compassionate care throughout every step of your diagnosis and treatment. Our advanced diagnostic technologies and therapeutic procedures ensure your path to better health is safe and successful.

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Clinical Excellence and Superior Care An Accurate Diagnosis with EGD


Undergo an EGD test at our Denver office to diagnose upper gastrointestinal symptoms precisely. Our advanced EGD procedures deliver precise diagnoses for conditions such as GERD and stomach ulcers. We identify the root causes of your symptoms to develop a tailored treatment plan, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care.

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Your Health is Our PriorityTime for Your Colonoscopy


Don’t postpone a colonoscopy. This critical screening could be lifesaving by identifying the early signs of colon cancer. At Peak Gastroenterology Associates, we prioritize your comfort and safety. Under the care of our dedicated stomach doctors in Denver, you’ll experience attention, compassion, and a genuine commitment to your health and well-being.

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Advancing the Field of Gastroenterology Leading Innovation in Clinical Research & Trials in Denver


Through comprehensive clinical research and trials, Peak Gastroenterology Associates in Denver is at the leading edge in gastroenterological innovation. Our Denver gastroenterologists’ dedication to advancing medical science provides access to the most recent breakthroughs and state-of-the-art treatments in digestive health care.

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Clinical Excellence for Gastroenterology in Denver, CO Interventional Endoscopy


Discover personalized, advanced care through our Denver-based Interventional Endoscopy and Oncology Program. Utilizing the latest medical technology, our expert team effectively treats and manages complex gastrointestinal conditions and offers innovative interventional oncology in Denver for positive health outcomes and top-tier care. Enhance your health journey with our skilled specialists in both endoscopy and oncology.

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Explore Our
Expansive Video Library


At our Denver location, we prioritize your comfort and comprehensive understanding of your treatment options. Explore our video library to gain insights into our procedures and services, helping you feel informed and at ease every step of the way.

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Dr. Huang is a Chicago native who has spent the last 16 years in the state of Michigan. She completed gastroenterology and transplant hepatology fellowships at the University of Michigan and has worked primarily as a transplant hepatologist for the last 12 years at the University of Michigan, Henry Ford Hospital, and Beaumont Hospital.


Dr. Huang’s practice will encompass all of gastroenterology and hepatology, including a continued focus in patients with cirrhosis and liver transplant. She also has a long-standing interest in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatitis C, and autoimmune liver disease along with medical education.


Her philosophy as a physician is to serve as an empathetic guide for patients as they navigate through their GI and liver problems, and she strives to provide them with as much information as possible to make educated decisions about their care.


Outside of work, Dr. Huang enjoys spending time with her family. She tends to gravitate towards adventurous pursuits, including downhill skiing and mountain biking and is a retired member of the Detroit Derby Girls.

  1. Huang MA, Greenson JD, Chao C, Anderson L, Peterman D, Jacobson J, Emick D, Lok ASF, Conjeevaram HS. 1-year intense nutritional counseling results in histological improvement in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: A pilot study. Am J Gastroenterol 2005; 100:1072-1081.
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  3. Volk ML, Biggins SW, Huang MA, Argo CK, Fontana RJ, Anspach RR. Decision making in liver transplant selection committees: a multicenter study. Ann Intern Med 2011; 155(8):503-8.
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  5. De Simone P, Nevens F, De Carlis L, Metselaar HJ, Beckebaum S, Saliba F, Jonas S, Sudan D, Fung J, Fischer L, Duvoux C, Chavin KD, Koneru B, Huang MA, Chapaman WC, Foltys D, Witte S, Jiang H, Hexham JM, Junge G, H2304 Study Group. Everolimus with reduced tacrolimus improves renal function in de novo liver transplant recipients: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Transplant 2012: 12(11): 3008-20.
  6. \n
  7. Stueck, A, Qu, Z, Huang, MA, Camprecios, G, Ferrell, L, Thung, S. Hepatocellular carcinoma arising in an HNF-1a-mutated adenoma in a 23 year old woman with maturityonset diabetes of the young: A case report. Semin Liver Dis 2015; 35:444-449.
  8. \n
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2350 Meadows Blvd., Castle Rock, CO 80109

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9395 Crown Crest Blvd., Parker, CO 80138

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2525 S. Downing St., Denver, CO 80210

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9101 Kimmer Drive, Suite 1100,
Lone Tree, CO 80124

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9101 Kimmer Drive, Suite 1100,
Lone Tree, CO 80124

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Michael Rowley, M.D., has always enjoyed science and chose to turn that interest into a stimulating career that allows him to help people in tangible ways.


Although he grew up in the Midwest, Dr. Rowley chose to pursue multiple levels of training at prestigious organizations throughout the country. He completed his fellowship at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, and his advanced endoscopy fellowship at Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.


Dr. Rowley’s desire to partner with patients in their care is one of the many reasons patients trust him with their health. He works to make sure they have a clear understanding of their conditions and treatment plans, even in complex cases and difficult diagnoses, such as cancer.


Dr. Rowley is excited about the opportunity to practice medicine with the skilled physicians at Peak Gastroenterology Associates and enjoys all that Colorado Springs offers. When he isn’t working, he enjoys golf, tennis, hiking, working out and skiing.



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2350 Meadows Blvd., Castle Rock, CO 80109

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2525 S. Downing St., Denver, CO 80210

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I have spent much of my life in this beautiful state of Colorado, and I am a proud member of Peak Gastroenterology. I completed my medical school training, residency, and gastroenterology fellowship at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center.


I believe that building trustful relationships and working together as a team with patients allows us to be the most successful in reaching the goals towards wellness. 


I am passionate about gastroenterology and care for a broad spectrum of disorders, including complex esophageal disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, anorectal disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, and colorectal cancer prevention among others. 


In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also enjoy being outdoors and experiencing all that this state has to offer.

  1. Phosphorylation of the PDZ domain modifies Shank2E binding with NaPiIIa
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  3. A Notch1 Gene Copy Number Gain is a Prognostic Indicator of Worse Survival and a Predictive Biomarker to a Notch1 Targeting Antibody in Colorectal Cancer
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  5. A crucial role for Kupffer cell-derived galectin-9 in regulation of T cell immunity in hepatitis C infection
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  7. Liver Cyst Cytokines Promote Endothelial Cell Proliferation and Development
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  9. Characterization of ionotrophic purinergic receptors in hepatocytes
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  11. Shank2E binds Na/Pi co-transporter at the apical membrane of proximal tubule cells
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  13. Characterization of an ankyrin repeat-containing Shank2 isoform (Shank2E) in liver epithelial cells
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  15. Purinergic regulation of cholangiocyte secretion: identification of a novel role for P2X receptors
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  17. Protein kinase C regulates the phosphorylation and oligomerization of ERM binding phosphoprotein 50
  18. \n
","locations":[{"id":"dx0PoJq1RQKAjuARaAgukQ","slug":"lone-tree","label":"Lone Tree","coordinates":{"latitude":39.5529996,"longitude":-104.8837276},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576778-lone-tree-banner.jpg","alt":"mountains","id":"SpkoQTD2S22jsubKBDeWNQ"},"phoneNumber":" (303) 424-2535","address":"

9101 Kimmer Drive, Suite 1100,
Lone Tree, CO 80124

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"NBe0bDHrRrWri3rmug_v0A","slug":"denver","label":"Denver","coordinates":null,"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(303) 424-2535","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"TjpqQLLsR_OLzr8XuVdLZA","slug":"castle-rock-adventist","label":"Castle Rock Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.4052753,"longitude":-104.8839168},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2350 Meadows Blvd., Castle Rock, CO 80109

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"etGkSZzuSSyy1uB5yRTXrA","slug":"parker-adventist","label":"Parker Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.549784,"longitude":-104.7702467},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

9395 Crown Crest Blvd., Parker, CO 80138

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"IF8kLZl5TNuOZzW6DPebtA","slug":"porter-adventist","label":"Porter Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.6700604,"longitude":-104.9744886},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2525 S. Downing St., Denver, CO 80210

","modelType":"affiliate"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Ryan McWilliams | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"I have spent much of my life in this beautiful state of Colorado, and I am a proud member of Peak Gastroenterology. ","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"JsK65U6YRW-o3XkUJ7mPeA","name":"Charlene Chun","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778556-carlenechunicon.jpg","alt":"Charlene Chun"},"slug":"charlene-chun","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Dr. Carlene Chun is a board-certified gastroenterologist practicing in the south Denver area. Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawai’i, she has lived in California, Oregon and Wisconsin prior to falling in love with Colorado.


Dr. Chun is a general gastroenterologist with a passion for evidence-based medicine and a special interest in preventative medicine, women’s health and in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.  She also treats defecatory disorders, ranging from constipation, diarrhea and fecal incontinence.


She is dedicated to providing patient-centered medical care and is an elected member of the Arnold P. Gold Foundation’s Gold Humanism Honor Society. 


In addition to her medical degree, Dr. Chun received a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in microbiology and an MBA from the University of Hawai’i with an emphasis in international relations and organizational change and behavior. 


Outside of her medical practice, Dr. Chun loves being a mother to her three boys, learning about different cultures through food and cultural exchange, gardening, and staying active exploring the outdoors with her family.

  1. Chun, C, L. Zheng, S. Colgan (2016) “Tissue metabolism and host-microbial interactions in the intestinal mucosa.” Free Radical Biology and Medicine. E-Pub PMID: 27687211
  2. \n
  3. Chun, C.L. G. Dunnington, G. Triadafilopoulos. (2013) “Holiday pains: a case of radiation-induced mesenteric ischemia.” Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 58(2):349-53. PMID: 22661275
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  5. Kommareddy, S., C.L. Chun, G. Triadafilopoulos. (2013) “Always a Suspect: CMV in Ulcerative Colitis.” Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 56(7):1944-8. PMID: 23306856
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  7. Chun, C.L., S. Aulakh, F. Komlos, G. Triadafilopoulos. (2012) “Tube to Freedom: use of a venting jejunostomy in a patient with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction.” Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 57(12):3076-9. PMID: 22407376
  8. \n
  9. Chun, C.L., C.A. Conti, G. Triadafilopoulos. (2011) “Cameron Ulcers: You Will Find Only What You Seek.” Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 56(12):3450-2. PMID: 21706202
  10. \n
  11. Chun, C.L., S. Eisenstat, S. Dormady, C. Lombard, G. Triadafilopoulos. (2011). “Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Presenting as Pseudo-Achalasia in a Patient with Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome: An Enemy Out of the Blue.” Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 56(7):1944-8. PMID: 21267778
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  13. Chun, C.K., I. Koroleva, B. Brown, L. Manzella, E. Snir, H. Almabrazi, T. Scheetz, M. Bonaldo, T. Casavant, M.B. Soares, E. Ruby and M. McFall-Ngai (2008). “Effects of colonization, luminescence and autoinducer on host transcription in the developing squid-vibrio association.” PNAS 105(32): 11323-11328. PMID: 18682555
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  15. Chun, C. K., T. E. Scheetz, et al. (2006). “An annotated cDNA library of juvenile Euprymna scolopes with and without colonization by the symbiont Vibrio fischeri.” BMC Genomics 16(7):154-164. PMID: 16780587
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  17. Ozer, E. A., A. Pezzulo, D. M. Shih, C. Chun, C. Furlong, A. J. Lusis, E. P. Greenberg and J. Zabner (2005). “Human and murine paraoxonase 1 are host modulators of Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing.” FEMS Microbiol Lett 253(1): 29-37. PMID: 16260097
  18. \n
  19. Chun, C. K., E. A. Ozer, M. J. Welsh, J. Zabner and E. P. Greenberg (2004). “Inactivation of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing signal by human airway epithelia.” PNAS 101(10): 3587-90. PMID: 14970327
  20. \n
","locations":[{"id":"NBe0bDHrRrWri3rmug_v0A","slug":"denver","label":"Denver","coordinates":null,"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(303) 424-2535","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"dx0PoJq1RQKAjuARaAgukQ","slug":"lone-tree","label":"Lone Tree","coordinates":{"latitude":39.5529996,"longitude":-104.8837276},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576778-lone-tree-banner.jpg","alt":"mountains","id":"SpkoQTD2S22jsubKBDeWNQ"},"phoneNumber":" (303) 424-2535","address":"

9101 Kimmer Drive, Suite 1100,
Lone Tree, CO 80124

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"TjpqQLLsR_OLzr8XuVdLZA","slug":"castle-rock-adventist","label":"Castle Rock Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.4052753,"longitude":-104.8839168},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2350 Meadows Blvd., Castle Rock, CO 80109

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"etGkSZzuSSyy1uB5yRTXrA","slug":"parker-adventist","label":"Parker Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.549784,"longitude":-104.7702467},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

9395 Crown Crest Blvd., Parker, CO 80138

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"IF8kLZl5TNuOZzW6DPebtA","slug":"porter-adventist","label":"Porter Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.6700604,"longitude":-104.9744886},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2525 S. Downing St., Denver, CO 80210

","modelType":"affiliate"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Carlene Chun | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Dr. Carlene Chun is a board-certified gastroenterologist practicing in the south Denver area.","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"VccuAXkJTt6CREPisZgQDQ","name":"Doug Adler","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716480363-douglasadler.jpg","alt":"Doug Adler"},"slug":"doug-adler","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Douglas G. Adler, M.D., F.A.C.G., A.G.A.F., F.A.S.G.E. received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in New York, NY. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. Dr. Adler completed both a general gastrointestinal fellowship and a therapeutic endoscopy/ERCP fellowship at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He then returned to the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for a fellowship in endoscopic ultrasound.


Dr. Adler is currently Director of the Center for Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy at Porter Adventist Hospital in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Adler is also the Editor-in-Chief of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Prior to moving to Colorado, Dr. Adler was a tenured Professor of Medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine in Salt Lake City, UT. Dr. Adler was also the GI Fellowship Program Director at the University of Utah School of Medicine for seven years. Dr. Adler focuses his clinical, educational, and research efforts on the diagnosis and management of patients with gastrointestinal cancers and complex gastrointestinal disease, with an emphasis on therapeutic endoscopy.
Dr. Adler is an internationally recognized expert on all facets of ERCP, EUS, gastrointestinal stenting, GPOEM, and other topics. He is the author of more than 600 scientific publications, articles, and book chapters and he has published 9 gastroenterology textbooks, including the first textbook on Interventional Endoscopic Ultrasound. Dr. Adler has also published more than 70 articles on history, aviation, aerospace, and astronomy.


Peak Gastroenterology Associates Physician, Dr. Doug Adler, Named Top 1% GI All-Star
Dr. Doug Adler has been named a 2024 GI All-Star by Avant-Garde Health, recognizing the top 1% of gastroenterologists based on procedural volumes, peer-reviewed publications and publication weight.


Read the full article here

","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"NBe0bDHrRrWri3rmug_v0A","slug":"denver","label":"Denver","coordinates":null,"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(303) 424-2535","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"etGkSZzuSSyy1uB5yRTXrA","slug":"parker-adventist","label":"Parker Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.549784,"longitude":-104.7702467},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

9395 Crown Crest Blvd., Parker, CO 80138

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"IF8kLZl5TNuOZzW6DPebtA","slug":"porter-adventist","label":"Porter Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.6700604,"longitude":-104.9744886},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2525 S. Downing St., Denver, CO 80210

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"TjpqQLLsR_OLzr8XuVdLZA","slug":"castle-rock-adventist","label":"Castle Rock Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.4052753,"longitude":-104.8839168},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2350 Meadows Blvd., Castle Rock, CO 80109

","modelType":"affiliate"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Douglas G. Adler | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Douglas G. Adler, M.D., F.A.C.G., A.G.A.F., F.A.S.G.E. received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in New York, NY. ","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"YypVnsLfRsSe8rPpgx6y2A","name":"Abigail Larson","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716480427-larson-abby-006.jpg","alt":"Abigail Larson"},"slug":"abigail-larson","credentials":"PA","intro":"

Abigail Larson, PA, completed her undergraduate degree at Colorado State University before attending the PA program at James Madison University. She worked as an EMT before becoming a physician assistant.


Abigail had always wanted to study medicine and chose the path of physician assistant so she could spend ample time with patients. She enjoys listening to her patients’ stories and helping them to identify the source of their problems. Her favorite part of the job is diagnosing their conditions and assisting them in their journey back to good health.


An outdoors lover, Abigail knew she had found her forever home after attending college in Colorado. She enjoys skiing, snowboarding, and hiking around the Rocky Mountains in her free time. Abigail lives in Denver with her husband and their cat, Finn.

","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"NBe0bDHrRrWri3rmug_v0A","slug":"denver","label":"Denver","coordinates":null,"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(303) 424-2535","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"etGkSZzuSSyy1uB5yRTXrA","slug":"parker-adventist","label":"Parker Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.549784,"longitude":-104.7702467},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

9395 Crown Crest Blvd., Parker, CO 80138

","modelType":"affiliate"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Abigail Larson, PA | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Abigail Larson, PA, completed her undergraduate degree at Colorado State University before attending the PA program at James Madison University.","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"LT3X8jA_Qn2bk8KlhUPLAg","name":"Ian Peterson","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778531-ian-peterson.jpg","alt":"Ian Peterson"},"slug":"ian-peterson","credentials":"PA","intro":"

I was born and raised in Colorado and always knew it’d be back after school–there is no better place than home. I love being outdoors, whether it be skiing, hiking, swimming, playing tennis or golf, and playing with my yellow lab, Huxley.


My fascination with medicine began when I got to hold a human brain in my seventh-grade biology class. However, it wasn’t until I was diagnosed with diabetes that I knew which career path to pursue. The experience made me realize how much care time was spent with Physician Assistants (PAs), and I wanted to follow the same route so I could have significant patient interactions.


Helping others is my passion, and I strive to make patients feel valued, heard, and assisted throughout their care journey.

  1. Investigating the Effectiveness of Prehospital Recognition and Administration of Intravenous Antibiotics in Septic Patients
  2. \n
  3. Analyzing Yellowfin Tuna Skin Stiffness Through Ontogeny
  4. \n
","locations":[{"id":"NBe0bDHrRrWri3rmug_v0A","slug":"denver","label":"Denver","coordinates":null,"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(303) 424-2535","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"TjpqQLLsR_OLzr8XuVdLZA","slug":"castle-rock-adventist","label":"Castle Rock Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.4052753,"longitude":-104.8839168},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2350 Meadows Blvd., Castle Rock, CO 80109

","modelType":"affiliate"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Ian Peterson | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"I was born and raised in Colorado and always knew it’d be back after school–there is no better place than home.","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"EQmSdWMOQ_WCTMm0f8L0NA","name":"Lizbeth Gibson","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716480481-gibson_liz.jpg","alt":"Lizbeth Gibson"},"slug":"lizbeth-gibson","credentials":"NP","intro":"

Lizbeth has been a certified Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner since 2015. Her background includes liver and kidney transplants, hepatobiliary surgery, and neurosurgery. She is passionate about providing empathetic and individualized gastroenterology care to her patients. 


In her spare time, Lizbeth enjoys mountain and road biking with her husband and friends.

  1. Management of Chronic Pain Post Neurectomy: a Role for Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation
  2. \n
","locations":[{"id":"NBe0bDHrRrWri3rmug_v0A","slug":"denver","label":"Denver","coordinates":null,"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(303) 424-2535","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"TjpqQLLsR_OLzr8XuVdLZA","slug":"castle-rock-adventist","label":"Castle Rock Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.4052753,"longitude":-104.8839168},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2350 Meadows Blvd., Castle Rock, CO 80109

","modelType":"affiliate"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Lizbeth Gibson | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Lizbeth has been a certified Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner since 2015. ","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"JLwfRzVZQBaH-BeuipvOUQ","name":"Teal Mefford","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778510-tealmefford-1.jpg","alt":"Teal Mefford"},"slug":"teal-mefford","credentials":"NP-C","intro":"

Teal Mefford, NP, is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner practicing in gastroenterology. She completed her Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner degree at Regis University in Denver, CO.


During her undergrad, Teal developed a love for medicine. This, paired with her passion for helping others, led her towards healthcare. Teal’s favorite part of the job is creating bonds with her patients and helping them feel better.


A Colorado native, Teal enjoys spending time outdoors with her family.

","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"NBe0bDHrRrWri3rmug_v0A","slug":"denver","label":"Denver","coordinates":null,"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(303) 424-2535","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"dx0PoJq1RQKAjuARaAgukQ","slug":"lone-tree","label":"Lone Tree","coordinates":{"latitude":39.5529996,"longitude":-104.8837276},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576778-lone-tree-banner.jpg","alt":"mountains","id":"SpkoQTD2S22jsubKBDeWNQ"},"phoneNumber":" (303) 424-2535","address":"

9101 Kimmer Drive, Suite 1100,
Lone Tree, CO 80124

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Teal Mefford | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Teal Mefford, NP, is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner practicing in gastroenterology. ","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"VFZkR6q3Qke8n33HEjWEhg","name":"Abbass Shafii","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778498-shafii_abbass.jpg","alt":"Abbass Shafii"},"slug":"abbass-shafii","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Dr. Abbass Shafii has been practicing gastroenterology in Colorado Springs since 1995. During this time he has taken care of over 100,000 patients and has done more than 40,000 successful endoscopies.


Dr. Shafii is passionate about medicine and patient care. He treats each patient as his family should be treated by any physician.


He has done his fellowship at Louisiana State University and further postdoctoral training in Asia.


He is interested in preventive medicine and patient education.


He sees many patients with different gastrointestinal problems such as Gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer disease, malnutrition, malabsorption, irritable bowel syndrome, Inflammatory bowel disease, colon polyp and colon cancer, etc.


He lives in Colorado Springs with his wife Rebecca and his two sons Jahan and Bijan.


Dr. Shafii loves the outdoors and spends many hours hiking, snowshoeing as well as playing pickle ball.

","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"OPhF9xhbRxi595WnIVMl4Q","slug":"scope","label":"SCOPE","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576723-scope-banner.jpg","alt":"buildings","id":"d-6m74KJQ6q3CEEe_G2nQA"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 362-2300","address":"

2920 N. Cascade Ave., Suite 100,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"IojB5Nf0Qr-Y7DnIjepJFA","slug":"cascade","label":"Cascade","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576677-cascade-banner.jpg","alt":"Cascade","id":"LpsPeWqESxaEJOouaVhw6w"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

2920 N Cascade Ave, Suite 300,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"EmUhbxDSRxGaqiLcxyEN0A","slug":"opec","label":"OPEC","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1719520126-opec-banner.jpg","alt":"desert and mountain scene","id":"GIMM-ARkQdq_ZSSsZChGDA"},"phoneNumber":"(719) 895-9090","address":"

1615 Medical Center Point,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Abbass Shafii | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Dr. Abbass Shafii has been practicing gastroenterology in Colorado Springs since 1995. ","image":null},"modules":[{"_modelApiKey":"reviews_slider","id":"NEMTLKnCQdC7FQO973PhAg","title":"Provider Reviews","link":null,"linkLabel":"","reviews":[{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very professional and very friendly. Explains procedures before and results afterwards in a very understandable way. I have used Dr. Shafii for years for my gastroenterology needs and will continue to do so.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I knew I was in great hands when Dr. Shafii asked me about my nationality. He made me laugh and I actually felt happy before and after procedures. He knew exactly what to say. I felt comfortable and was certain that Dr. Shafii would make sure all went well. When I share my experience with family and friends, they become elated as well.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Exceptionally friendly staff, and a relaxing environment. Dr. Shafii explained in detail the procedure and dispelled my anxiety (since it was my first). He is very personable and made me feel very comfortable. I will recommend him to my friends.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"My experience with everyone was amazing. I let it be known that I was a little anxious about the anesthesia but I was assured I would be ok and I was just fine. The doctor was kind and I felt very comfortable with the entire staff. Advised my husband to schedule an appointment with them asap.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Was very pleased. They had me scheduled on their computer for a different date than was on the paperwork they sent me. Dr. Shafii worked me in as I had already done the prep for a colonoscopy. He was friendly and took the time to explain everything!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Shafii is an excellent doctor of gastrointestinal issues and colonoscopies. He and his anesthesiologist, Mike as well as the nurses are excellent as well as professional! I hope he and and his team are around in the next 5 years !","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very friendly & efficient (yet didn't feel \"rushed\" at all) experience overall--definitely recommend. It was ~45 minutes from check-in to the start of the procedure. Dr. Shafli explained everything before & after the procedure, & paused for any questions. Nurse called next morning to check-in on me.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"He was very nice and explained everything in detail I felt very comfortable with him. I was very nervous at first but he put me at ease I would definitely recommend him to anyone who needs any procedure done","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"3rd time coming here for my colonoscopys and plan on coming back for any future ones as well. The staff is so friendly from the front door all the way back to the Nurses and Dr's. Always feel like I am in the most capable hands. Couldn't recommend this place more.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Shafii is the amazing nicest kind Dr everyone wish for and hope to have as doctor professional and compassionate. He treats everyone with love care and respect. My husband and I know and been with him for many many years and he is part of our entire family. Dr Shafii cares very much about his patients. I always feel so comfortable I. His presence. He gives me all the time to listen to all my concerns answers all my questions and he makes everyone feel comfortable and part of his own family. Thank you so much Doc🙏🏼 And of course everyone in his office is very welcoming and nice treat you with love and care from the first step you enter the building to the entire team working with Dr Shafii. Thank you to all of you!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I have been a patient of Dr. Shafii's for a number of years now. He is professional, compassionate and very patient oriented. Explains procedures/results in detail and offers suggestions in a patient care plan. Truly appreciate him. Thank you, Krzysztof Myszkowski","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Shafii is the absolute best. He’s knowledgeable, caring, and professional. He’s an excellent listener and was attendant to my needs as a patient. For a procedure that can be a little nerve-wracking, he made my experience completely seamless and painless. Thank you to him and the entire staff, who were also just as accommodating and professional!!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"All staff was very friendly and helpful. Erica took time to check mom's history and paperwork. Mitzi, anesthesiologist, was on top of everything. Katie got mom's IV started easily and took good care of her post-procedure. Dr. Shafii was very kind, did not seem rushed like some physicians and took the time to explain, answer questions, and instruct us on what to do going forward for symptom management. I would definitely recommend him and Front Range and Peak. We do not live in Colorado Springs but I would come here for my next 5 year colonoscopy when it is time. My GI physician in Pueblo is retiring and I was impressed with Dr. Shafii. Thank you!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I was so nervous…Dr. and his staff made it so comfortable for me… I’m truly happy with everything, he has worked with my parents and it was very successful… This actually makes me want to study and learn more about his study of work.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I had a great experience at this location, and can highly recommend Dr. Shafii. Dr. Shafii and the whole team were very professional, knowledgeable, and attentive. The procedure went well without any complications. The staff, including the technicians, nurses, and anesthesiologist, made me feel comfortable and well taken care of throughout my visit.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Shafii was wonderful! He explained the procedure and answered my questions. After my procedure he thoroughly explained his findings and made recommendations to address my issues. He is very friendly and has a calming bedside manner. I feel that he truly cares. From the moment I walked into their facility, the entire staff was terrific!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I recently had 2 GI procedures with Dr Shafii and he was efficient, professional and personable. He had just provided the nurses on the floor of the hospital a full Greek lunch to celebrate nurses week and show his appreciation for their hard work and helping to make his job easier and him look even better.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Shafii and his staff were professional and friendly from start to finish. From check in to check out it was a good experience. Dr Shafii provided a thorough explanation of the procedure and the results following the procedure. He expertly answered all questions in a clear and understanding manner.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"He was the nicest Doctor I have ever met. This experience was kind and caring and most importantly comfortable! I don’t know if I have ever had such a professional and yet personal experience! Every one there were such amazing people!!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I have been seeing Dr. Shafii for over 30 years, because he is an excellent Dr. He is very personal, explains everything in detail, listens to you and answers any questions you may have. I hope to have him as my Dr. for many years to come.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I have had three colonoscopy in my life. I am 72 years old. Before I retired, my work would have me move so I have had each colonoscopy in a different state. Dr. Shafii is by far the best Doctor I have had ever for this procedure. His staff was friendly, professional and easy to talk to. Dr. Shafii came to visit with me prior to the procedure. He went over what he was going to do and asked if I had any questions. He was professional, friendly and efficient! I was in and out in no time and did not have any issues with scheduling, registering and insurance. They took care of everything in good time and professionally! I would highly recommend Dr Shafii!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"My colonoscopy was handled smoothly, professionally and in a timely manner. They answered all my questions. He was explicit about what would happen before, during and after. I would recommend Dr. Shafii and the other staff.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Having a colonoscopy is never a fun experience, but it doesn't have to be painful. From the admin person, to the person that started my IV, to the nurse that prepped me for the procedure, to the anesthetist that guided me through the process to Dr. Shaffii, my visit was seamless and painless. Great Team","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"From the front office staff to the young lady who walked me to the car, every interaction was competent, concerned, efficient and pleasant. Knowing that Lynch syndrome will require yet another appointment next year, I will happily return as well as recommend should the opportunity occur.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I had a colonoscopy and it was not as unpleasant as I anticipated. Dr. Shafii was humerous beforehand with me. The staff was very nice, too. In fact, early in the morning my husband and I went to the wrong office and the receptionist came and got us knowing that we were probably supposed to be in her area! Knowing this procedure will happen again, in the future, I won't be disappointed if he is the dr. that is assigned to me.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I went for colonoscopy to Digestive disease clinic & Endoscopy center, and Dr. Abbass Shafii and all his staff were very professional and friendly. I am very satisfied and happy with their service and caring and I strongly recommend this facility specially Dr. Abbass Shafii. He is one of the best.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"He has done my colonoscopies every 3 yrs since I was 40 - that is almost 20 yrs. I have never had any issues with him or his staff. He did have an assistant that I was not happy with at one time. When I call they are always courteous!","rating":5}],"filter":"","reviewCharacterLimit":null,"items":"3","animation":"fadeInUp","helpers":""}]},{"id":"O7P1dZrmRjCv_ToD-L3-xA","name":"Ali Esmaili","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778342-esmaili.jpg","alt":"Ali Esmaili"},"slug":"ali-esmaili","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Dr. Esmaili is a Board-certified gastroenterologist with extensive experience both in clinical medicine and basic science research. He grew up in Maryland where he obtained his bachelor of science in microbiology at the University of Maryland, College Park. He, then, joined the Food and Drug Administration as a research scientist. By the age of 22, he had extensively published in his field of research including on the cover of the Journal of Virology. He went on to graduate from his home state, the University of Maryland School of Medicine with honors in 2003.


Dr. Esmaili finished a residency in Internal Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia in 2006. He went on to obtain further training in the management of liver disease by finishing a Transplant Hepatology fellowship at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.
After finishing the Transplant Hepatology fellowship, he was recruited into the prestigious National Institute of Health-funded Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) to train in gastroenterology under the mentorship of then-president of American Gastroenterology Association Dr. Gail Hecht. He successfully finished his Gastroenterology fellowship in 2010.
He has been in practice in the field of Gastroenterology since 2010. During his career, he helped establish a gastroenterology service line in La Porte, Indiana for a rural hospital affiliated with the Indiana University School of Medicine. He served as a Volunteer assistant professor of medicine at IU school of medicine. Later, he moved to the underserved area of Tifton, Georgia where he established a gastroenterology service line in a rural hospital in Adel, Georgia.
Dr. Esmaili joined Peak Gastroenterology Associates in 2022 bringing over a decade-long experience in delivering excellent care to patients with digestive diseases in various regions of the country.



","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"fR8sGJyyTYOAX8PagyisoQ","slug":"memorial-north-uchealth","label":"Memorial North/UCHealth","coordinates":{"latitude":38.9670419,"longitude":-104.7549197},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

4050 Briargate Pkwy., Colorado Springs, CO 80920

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"EmUhbxDSRxGaqiLcxyEN0A","slug":"opec","label":"OPEC","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1719520126-opec-banner.jpg","alt":"desert and mountain scene","id":"GIMM-ARkQdq_ZSSsZChGDA"},"phoneNumber":"(719) 895-9090","address":"

1615 Medical Center Point,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"OPhF9xhbRxi595WnIVMl4Q","slug":"scope","label":"SCOPE","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576723-scope-banner.jpg","alt":"buildings","id":"d-6m74KJQ6q3CEEe_G2nQA"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 362-2300","address":"

2920 N. Cascade Ave., Suite 100,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Ali Esmaili, MD | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Dr. Esmaili is a Board-certified gastroenterologist with extensive experience both in clinical medicine and basic science research. ","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"DhUwKiNzQ3GMk5Yh9nmTcA","name":"Chris Harmon","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778483-chris-harmon-icon.jpg","alt":"Chris Harmon"},"slug":"chris-harmon","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Dr. Harmon is a board-certified gastroenterologist who specializes in advanced endoscopy. He comes to Peak Gastroenterology Associates from his practice in central Virginia. After completing internal medicine residency and gastroenterology fellowship at the University of Virginia, Dr. Harmon also completed an additional fellowship training in advanced endoscopy at Virginia Tech/Carilion Clinic.


Advanced endoscopy techniques include ERCP and endoscopic ultrasound. These techniques are used in the evaluation and management of pancreas and biliary diseases and often assist in the staging/diagnosis of cancers of the rectum, esophagus, stomach, pancreas and within the chest. Dr. Harmon is well versed in management of complex esophagus and other GI luminal strictures with stent and dilation interventions.


Dr. Harmon prides himself in providing excellent and compassionate clinical care. He is excited to be a part of Peak Gastroenterology Associates.

  1. A Mechanistic Study in the Nephrotoxicity of P-aminophenol (renal toxic metabolite of acetaminophen)
  2. \n
  3. In vitro toxicity of 2- and 4-chloroanaline: comparisons with 4-amino-3-chlorophenol, 2-amino-5-chlorophenol, and amino phenol
  4. \n
  5. Cephaloridine in vitro toxicity and accumulation in renal slices from normoglycemic and diabetic rats
  6. \n
  7. 2-Amino-5-chlorophenol toxicity in renal cortical slices from Fischer 344 rats: effect of antioxidants and sulfhydryl agents
  8. \n
  9. Risk factors for early hospital readmission after cardiac operations
  10. \n
  11. S-adenosylmethioine attenuates acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in C57BL/6 mice
  12. \n
  13. Time-dependent effect of paminophenol (PAP) toxicity in renal slices and development of oxidative stress
  14. \n
  15. Pyruvate reduces 4-aminophenol in vitro toxicity
  16. \n
  17. Management of patient with nocturnal GERD
  18. \n
  19. Herpes simplex virus hepatitis after renal transplantation
  20. \n
  21. Characterization of a novel model for investigation of radiocontrast nephrotoxiciity
  22. \n
  23. Mechanical pleurodesis aided by peritoneal drainage: a novel procedure for refractory hepatic hydrothorax
  24. \n
  25. Ethnic variation in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis]
  26. \n
  27. Combination of corticosteroids and anidulafungin associated with acute liver injury and hepatic encephalopathy – synergistic toxicity
  28. \n
  29. Treatment approaches in dyspepsia
  30. \n
  31. Inflammation in NASH
  32. \n
","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"IojB5Nf0Qr-Y7DnIjepJFA","slug":"cascade","label":"Cascade","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576677-cascade-banner.jpg","alt":"Cascade","id":"LpsPeWqESxaEJOouaVhw6w"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

2920 N Cascade Ave, Suite 300,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"fR8sGJyyTYOAX8PagyisoQ","slug":"memorial-north-uchealth","label":"Memorial North/UCHealth","coordinates":{"latitude":38.9670419,"longitude":-104.7549197},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

4050 Briargate Pkwy., Colorado Springs, CO 80920

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"PnNTTCtpT6CwMWfzmcBkXg","slug":"st-francis-hospital","label":"St. Francis Hospital","coordinates":{"latitude":38.937571,"longitude":-104.7180603},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

6001 E. Woodmen Road, 1st Floor, Colorado Springs, CO 80923

","modelType":"affiliate"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Chris Harmon | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Dr. Harmon is a board-certified gastroenterologist who specializes in advanced endoscopy. ","image":null},"modules":[{"_modelApiKey":"reviews_slider","id":"eVnXw12-R96wzM16TDv5SA","title":"","link":null,"linkLabel":"","reviews":[{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Harmon is great! He did an emergency procedure on me after I ended up at the ER. Then he did the follow-up procedure a month later and all great experiences. Great bedside manner and easy to talk to!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Harmon is the best doctor. He is personable, professional, articulate and truly cares for his paitients. Dr Harmon takes the time to succinctly explain your medical issues, your options and most of all, he listens.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"No words can convey how amazing Dr Harmon has been with me. If not for him I would not be able to eat. His knowledge is amazing and the care I have received from him is second to none. I am so blessed to have him as my doctor.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I can't thank Dr. Harmon enough for his compassion today with my husband (the patient) and myself. I have been beyond concerned with my husband's symptoms as they mimicked colon cancer My late husband had the same symptoms and they thought that it was colon cancer but turned out to be pancreatic cancer. I lost him in a 5 week period. Dr. Harmon didn't know this, but his bedside manner, taking time to talk to us was priceless.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Harmon took the time to meet with me before my endoscopy and after! Dr. Rafik in Aurora CO. never gave me the time of day and I am very sick. Dr. Harmon takes the time to make me feel that I am seen and heard! I have total faith that he will help me regain my health...","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Harmon took the time to communicate with me before my endoscopy and after. He let me know his findings right away (except for the biopsy which takes time). I am ill, but he made me feel that I am in good hands and that he will help me return to my healthy self!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I have always had a great experience with Dr. Harmon, he has such a kind demeanor, very knowledgeable about my issues so always feel like I have the best information to understand my condition and best outcome","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"DR. Harmon made me feel very comfortable before my surgery, explaining the procedure and why it was being done. The team worked with me to solve the problem I had with not having anyone to \"watch\" me when I got home (I live alone). They used lighter anesthesia so I could go home without having to stay overnight. They also allowed me to rest for 2 additional hours in recovery. Making sure I was stable and awake/aware enough to go home. I still have one more procedure with Dr. Harmon in about 2 months. I Highly recommend Dr. Harmon and the team at Penrose St, Francis.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Always knowledgeable in his field, gives excellent explanations of procedures, conditions and medications. Takes time to discuss problems and answer questions. Love that he doesn't rush through appointments. Highly recommend him.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Harmon, is the best . His experience and credential speak for themselves and amongst his peers , hospitals and those that have worked with him it is common knowledge that you have the finest surgeon there is . I’m not so sure I’d be here today if he did not intervene in my case . My complications were many . His concerns so real I am forever in his debt.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Harmon listened carefully to my concerns & quickly determined what my next steps must be. I’m confident I’m on the right path to good health. Also, Maggie did an excellent job setting me up for a timely colonoscopy!! Thanks to all of you for your help today!!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Harmon has very effectively diagnosed and treated me for pancreatic and bile duct issues. He is conservative about not doing unnecessary procedures, but recommending them when best for catching problems early. He explains issues well and asks for feedback to make sure I understand. He welcomes questions. I feel I am getting excellent care with him.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Great service from scheduling to check in staff and especially Dr Harmon. People skills are exceptional, answers all my questions every time. I feel like he treats me like he would his family - not just a lab or xray finding but as a whole person. I appreciate his ongoing, excellent care and concern for me.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"On time for appointment. Friendly, direct, and thorough. Listened to me and responded appropriately. Explains conditions, treatments, and medications clearly. Knowledgeable in his field and demonstrates genuine concern for patients.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr Harmon went way above and beyond to help make me feel comfortable. I had personal issues, other than my purpose for the visit. And Dr Harmon took the time I needed to gather myself and address the purpose of my visit. I couldn’t have asked for a more professional and compassionate, yes I said compassionate, Dr. Thank you!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Harmon and his team did an awesome job of bringing me back from a near death experience when I battled a bacterial infection in December 2018. It took me a couple of months to recover. It took me almost a full year to fully recover. I was very sick. He and his staff are knowledgeable, kind, and will invest time with you to answer questions. He is a great doctor and his staff are wonderful people. I highly recommend Dr. Harmon and his staff.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Harmon has performed two procedures on me and two more are planned for the treatment of pancreatic stones and pancreatitis. He was very successful in accomplishing the goals of these procedures and I have had no pain as a result of his treatment. I highly recommend Dr Harmon.","rating":5}],"filter":"","reviewCharacterLimit":300,"items":"3","animation":"fadeInUp","helpers":""}]},{"id":"Poe47n9GRCe8YPpnDanBRQ","name":"James Rose","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778471-james-rose-icon.jpg","alt":"James Rose"},"slug":"james-rose","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Dr. Rose completed his transplant hepatology fellowship at Integris-Baptist Medical Center and his gastroenterology fellowship at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock.


Having a diverse background in medicine gives him the ability to not just focus on one aspect of the gastrointestinal tract, but to be a comprehensive gastroenterologist. His interests in gastroenterology include therapeutic endoscopy.

  1. Gastric Metastasis of Merkel Cell Tumor – Uncommon complication of rare neoplasm
  2. \n
  3. Amiodarone Induced Cirrhosis Case Series
  4. \n
  5. Nutritional Effects of TIPSS – An often-neglected benefit? A preliminary report
  6. \n
  7. Correlation of MELD Scoring to Portal Hypertension Changes among Patients awaiting orthotropic liver transplantation
  8. \n
  9. Novel approach to identify prognostic biomarkers in serum from patients with chronic HCV infections
  10. \n
  11. Novel approaches to identify distinct immunopathogenic biomarkers in patients with Hepatitis C Virus infection
  12. \n
  13. Liver Transplantation of hepatitis B infection in the United States
  14. \n
  15. Outcome after ERCP in patients with suspected sphincter of Oddi dysfunction: a prospective study
  16. \n
  17. Assessment of Alzheimer’s disease and Depression medications using phase II/III drug trials
  18. \n
  19. Titanium dioxide’s effect on microorganisms
  20. \n
  21. Microbiology and Virology Studies
  22. \n
","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"doETZxSRQRujN6fmX_Ym-g","slug":"interquest","label":"Interquest","coordinates":{"latitude":38.99161730000001,"longitude":-104.7990767},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576753-interquest.jpg","alt":"downtown","id":"EsbZcm4bR0GswEnUizdDSQ"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

1370 Interquest Pkwy, Suite 320,
Colorado Springs, CO 80921

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"OPhF9xhbRxi595WnIVMl4Q","slug":"scope","label":"SCOPE","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576723-scope-banner.jpg","alt":"buildings","id":"d-6m74KJQ6q3CEEe_G2nQA"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 362-2300","address":"

2920 N. Cascade Ave., Suite 100,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"DM80yx1hSGqsl9eiy15gsg","slug":"penrose-hospital","label":"Penrose Hospital","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8652866,"longitude":-104.8224717},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2222 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"RpG2ULGORLuXci02x4ohsg","slug":"memorial-central-uchealth","label":"Memorial Central/UCHealth","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8395029,"longitude":-104.7995898},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

1400 E. Boulder St., 1st Floor, Colorado Springs, CO 80909

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"PnNTTCtpT6CwMWfzmcBkXg","slug":"st-francis-hospital","label":"St. Francis Hospital","coordinates":{"latitude":38.937571,"longitude":-104.7180603},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

6001 E. Woodmen Road, 1st Floor, Colorado Springs, CO 80923

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"EmUhbxDSRxGaqiLcxyEN0A","slug":"opec","label":"OPEC","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1719520126-opec-banner.jpg","alt":"desert and mountain scene","id":"GIMM-ARkQdq_ZSSsZChGDA"},"phoneNumber":"(719) 895-9090","address":"

1615 Medical Center Point,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"James Rose | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Dr. Rose completed his transplant hepatology fellowship at Integris-Baptist Medical Center and gastroenterology fellowship at the University of Arkansas.","image":null},"modules":[{"_modelApiKey":"reviews_slider","id":"eNhXMRbgQtmE2v8WPOgExg","title":"","link":null,"linkLabel":"","reviews":[{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I have had Dr. Rose for years. I wouldn't want any other gastrololgist taking care of me. He is very attentive very good bedside manner . Will answer all questions so that you understand.. He's literally keeping me healthy in that area","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Friendly, competent, experienced and easy to talk to. I have had 2 procedures with Dr. Rose and both have been good and positive experiences. Clinic staff are so good - from the front office staff to the nurses, techs and anesthetist they are all friendly, competent and explain things well. Highly recommend!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I wasn’t quite sure why I was going to a visit with DR Rose about a colonoscopy. But, he reviewed with me the findings of my last colonoscopy and why it’s necessary for a follow-on procedure. I really appreciated his lesson on different kinds of things that can be found and their progression towards becoming cancerous. This was a very informative meeting and I appreciate that.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Rose visited with me before the procedure to explain what the process would entail and answered all of my questions. All of the staff members were cordial and helpful. My discharge nurse was great. Check in wad easy as well. I did notice that the area they have to work in is quite small.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The entire staff from the receptionist to the discharge nurse are all very professional and willing to answer questions! My entire experience was pleasant and quick! I really appreciate their service and am always recommending Dr. Rose and his staff to others! Excellent staff!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"James is the best doctor we’ve ever known. His bedside manner needs to be taught at every medical school. He always explains every procedure and medical problem thoroughly and answers every question one might have. I only wish every doctor would be as thorough and thoughtful as James has been. He’s as good as any doctor could be.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Office staff very nice and helpful. Procedure explained very well. Dr. Rose had my procedure documented and provided to me. Additionally, an email was sent containing a link to download a summer of the procedure and a PDF file with explanations and photos. Definitely a 5 star clinic.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Rose is absolutely outstanding in every respect. He takes the time to explain everything in terms that are easily understandable by all. He is kind, compassionate and clearly cares for every patient. I had both a colonoscopy and an endoscopy same day and was done within an hour and left feeling fantastic and had all my reports in hand. It doesn’t get any better than that.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Rose and his staff are amazing and thorough. I’ve had my second procedure with him as my provider and could not ask for a more caring and professional doctor. Thanks again, Dr. Rose and staff!!!!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I can't speak highly enough of Dr. James Rose and the entire staff at Surgical Center of Peak Endoscopy. The entire experience, from the moment I walked in, was fantastic. I would highly recommend them to everyone.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Rose is an excellent doctor, he took the time to listen, asked a lot of questions, and came up with solutions to help me get the care I need. Very patient focused, excellent bedside manner. Highly recommend","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very professional friendly staff! Dr. Rose introduced himself before the procedure, he explained the process and answered questions. Jordan placed my IV and did a phenomenal job. Everyone seemed to enjoy their jobs.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"All of his staff members, from the receptionist to the doctor himself, were very professional, down to earth, and informative. At no point did I have any doubts about the quality of care he provided. I would recommend him to anyone looking for a Gastroenterologist.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Everyone was friendly and professional. They were concerned about my comfort before, during, and after my procedure. The summary of findings was comprehensive and easily understood. After care instructions were clear, and an emergency phone number was provided. My experiences with Peak Gastro were always very positive.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The staff has always been very welcoming. Dr James Rose himself has a wealth of knowledge with the ability to not only get to the essentials of an issue or solution but to connect the ideas for you in a way that I understand, and can back them up with research. He is top of mind when it comes to someone i can trust within the medical field.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"What struck me most about this experience was the genuine care and consideration in every team member interaction, from checkin thru prep, procedure and post, all were kind, thoughtful and professional throughout. It made a challenging day for me go smoothly and more confidently.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Amazing and caring medical team. An insurance glitch caused my appointment to be cancelled without my knowledge. I showed up fully prepped for screening colonoscopy with no appointment and Dr Rose’s group saw me anyway. They really went above and beyond to save my day.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"What an awesome group of people here working alongside Dr. Rose. Each staff member takes such good care of you making sure you are comfortable. And what a great sense of humor and positivity going on in this office! A shoutout to those Michiganders!!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Rose and his staff took such good care of me. I will admit I was a little scared but they made feel at ease and I appreciate that. Thank you all for everything that you do. You are truly a great team. Blessings Yolanda ","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very professional. Spent quality time with me assessing my condition, provided pros/cons for procedures and I felt like he was really interested in understanding my wishes and working to make them happen. Actual procedure went very smoothly and exactly as explained.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I came to Dr. Rose because I was not being adequately cared for while seeing Dr. Rafik in Aurora, CO. My case is a complicated one, and Dr. Rose gave our initial appointment the time needed to fully understand what I have been going through, as well as possible solutions. I was hopeless, and now I am looking forward to returning to my healthy self!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"This doctor, as well as all the staff who prepped me and attended my colonoscopy procedure, were professional, caring, and friendly, putting me at ease and taking good care of me through the whole process.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Awesome experience Dr. Rose Very personable, professional and the staff that I dealt with is exceptionable. A specials shout out to Melissa in the office super friendly and helpful. It is a breath of fresh air from my last Doctor's visits. Keep up the Good work . Thanks","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Rose exudes a friendly desire to want to connect with his patients. In addition, he's very thorough and knowledgeable, which inspires confidence in him. He took the time to go over my CAT Scan with me and explain the details in a helpful way a layperson could understand. At my subsequent endoscopy, everything went so smoothly from check-in to post-procedure. Every staff member was also extremely friendly. Great doctor & great experience.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Rose is a relief, nowadays, he explains everything, asks several times if you have any questions. He makes you feel comfortable, about what needs to take place, to be on the right path to recovery.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I’m very pleased with his care during my colonoscopy and endoscopy procedure. He was very informative and professional. He was very diligent with his information about potential problems with the procedure but at the same time very encouraging. I highly recommend him.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"My experience was great. The Dr and staff were very professional, efficient and friendly. It was my first time having a colonoscopy and as far as the actual procedure, I remember nothing, which I am extremely happy about 😉. Would definitely return for a procedure in the future!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Let's be honest, no one wants a colonoscopy... but if you need one the staff and Dr. Rose do a good job. I was made comfortable. Everything was clearly explained from beginning to end. I also appreciated the touch of humor when you first walk in.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"It was a good experience i felt comfortable and the staff was very helpful and friendly my insurance didn't cover colonoscopies so I had to do private pay and I was given a 25 percent discount which was nice and James was nice.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Rose is so thorough. He truly cares about his patients. He spends time going through everything and makes sure I understand before I leave. I wish every doctor would take a page from his book. Thank you Dr. Rose and team for always taking care of me.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very excellent explanation of findings, diagnosis and treatment options. He was able to make the medical terms and findings understandable so that I was able to follow his line of reasoning and the options I had.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"My experience was great! Dr Rose, Jim Miller, Victoria, RN Marsela, and my recovery nurse (I didn’t get her name) were so amazing. They were all professional, compassionate, and kind. I’m a very anxious person and they all helped me from beginning to end have the best experience possible.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Got a endoscopy done. Very easy and good experience. I arrived at 330 and my check-in wasn't until 4 for a 430 appointment time. I got there, filled out paperwork and was taken back right away. I was done and out the door before 5. The staff was unbelievably friendly and very informative. They explained everything very well and I had no discomfort or pain. They even called my medical transport and told them when I was about to be done and when it was time to leave I didn't have to wait at all. I would highly recommend this place to anyone.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Entire staff was engaging and informative from registration to discharge! Dr. Rose has an AWESOME bedside manner to include a punny sense of humor…which really put me at ease. My “Double play” was a success in that I had no pain post procedure and that speaks to the expertise of all the staff taking care of me in the procedure suite. Accolades to all!! Dr. Rose, Jamie, Jordan, Dakota, & Andrew. Thank you for exceptional care.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The care I received from Dr. Rose as both an inpatient and outpatient was truly remarkable. His bedside manner made me and my entire family thankful that he had been the on call GI Dr. He spoke to all of us with compassion and empathy. I will definitely return for his amazing care in the future.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Rose have great bedside manners. Very friendly and easy to talk to. Answered all my questions and made everything very easy to understand and helped make my decisions on my treatments easy. Best doctor I’ve ever had.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I was very happy with Dr. Rose, he knew I was going to need a procedure to get to the root cause of my issues and didn't waste any of my time. Got right to the point and started the scheduling for getting scoped.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Everyone was kind, professional and helpful with any questions. The office is run like a smooth running. machine. Very clean and efficient. Considering that you're there for a colonoscopy, it was a very pleasant experience. 😝","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Rose and his team took great care of me. He thoroughly explained the whole procedure and made me laugh to put my mind at ease. He treated me like family and not just as a patient. I highly recommend him and his whole team.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Rose is always very friendly and personable and does a great job answering any questions I have had. When I first got my diagnosis, I was very nervous and scared. I felt like there was a lot of uncertainty around what to expect going forward, but Dr. Rose has done an amazing job educating me about my condition. I can tell he knows what he’s talking about and feel confident in his care.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Rose is amazing and I'm so privileged to have him as my doctor. He takes the the time to hear your concerns and goes the extra mile to make sure your health is his number one priority and that you're well taken care of.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"A fantastic experience from scheduling to after care. Real professionals that make the patient centra to everything they do. From the pre nurses, anesthesiologist, to the Dr, I had a 5-star experience. They even checked on me the next day to make sure I was doing well. Would definitely recommend!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"No one looks forward to a colonoscopy. Dr. Rose met with me before and after the procedure. He explained every step of the process in detail. The entire staff was willing to answer any question and make sure that I was comfortable.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Rose , the nursing team, and Nurse Anesthesiologist were cool under pressure... I was not an \"easy\" endoscopy patient to prep and get through, but I give it to them.. no one hesitated.. very smart/attentive team.. I recommend Front Range and Peak GI totally.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very nice facility. Friendly receptionist. The back staff was very professional and friendly. Procedure went great no problems at all. I have a unusual health problem that can make things difficult, and they handled it well.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Rose is very professional and very thorough and explained everything to myself and my wife. Dr. Rose also has a very professional and courteous staff that support him. Respectfully! Pete & Alice Baca","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Rose and his entire staff were courteous, patient and overall excellent. It was my first endoscopy and they explained the process thoroughly. They gave me a follow up call the day after as well. Thank you so much.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Rose is an excellent diagtechnologist. He takes the time needed to find out what is wrong with you and doesn't just pass you off to someone else. He is one of the best doctors I have ever had working with me.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Rose and all of his staff are very professional, knowledgeable, courteous and put me at ease before my procedure. They addressed all of my questions and let me know about the process as they were doing things. I had the opportunity to see and hear how they interacted as a team and was impressed with how happy everyone seemed and how well they worked together.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Excellent experience here for a colonoscopy. They were efficient and thorough with amazing patient care. Every nurse and technician that I had was so friendly, caring, gentle, and helpful. Best I've had! Dr. Rose was excellent and spent time after the procedure to explain results and answer several questions I had. I did not feel rushed out. The office called 24 hours after my procedure to follow up to see how I was feeling and if I had any more questions. I highly recommend Dr. Rose and the staff at Front Range Endoscopy Center!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"It seems kind of weird to describe a colonoscopy as \"fun,\" but it kind of was! The nurses were so kind, and Dr. Rose was professional but had a great sense of humor. The anesthesia was a cakewalk. I was out in an instant, then waking up and the procedure was over! Then the nurses were offering me water and juice. I was so relaxed that I kind of hated to leave. Weird, I know, but it's true. If you have to go through the ordeal of the pre-procedure fast and drinking the suprep, at least the \"day of\" the procedure is effortless. Thanks, Peak Gastroenterology!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Rose conducted my procedure using great expertise and I felt confident I was in good hands. He talked to me before and after and answered all questions. I would request him again knowing he is professional, kind and knowledgeable.","rating":5}],"filter":"","reviewCharacterLimit":300,"items":"3","animation":"fadeInUp","helpers":""}]},{"id":"aZocUHK_Scausg33uzy7QA","name":"Karin B. Cesario","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778457-peak-gastro-dr-cesario-final_47625.jpg","alt":"Karin B. Cesario"},"slug":"karin-b-cesario","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Dr. Cesario is a board-certified gastroenterologist and transplant hepatologist. After completing her residency in internal medicine at the University of Colorado, Dr. Cesario went on to complete a fellowship in gastroenterology and hepatology and an advanced fellowship in transplant hepatology at The Cleveland Clinic.


Growing up in a small New York town during the 1970s, Dr. Cesario encountered very few female doctors. Her experiences with her empathic, funny, and smart female pediatrician left a strong impression and inspired her to pursue medicine. Dr. Cesario’s favorite part of her job is learning about patients and their families. Establishing strong relationships is important to her, as it helps her treat her patients.


In her free time, Dr. Cesario enjoys spending time with her four active children. This includes attending swim meets, basketball practices, lacrosse games, and golf tournaments. To relax, she goes on walks, listens to classical music, and plays with her animals. Dr. Cesario lives in Black Forest with her husband, children, two dogs, and two horses.

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1370 Interquest Pkwy, Suite 320,
Colorado Springs, CO 80921

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"OPhF9xhbRxi595WnIVMl4Q","slug":"scope","label":"SCOPE","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576723-scope-banner.jpg","alt":"buildings","id":"d-6m74KJQ6q3CEEe_G2nQA"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 362-2300","address":"

2920 N. Cascade Ave., Suite 100,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"PnNTTCtpT6CwMWfzmcBkXg","slug":"st-francis-hospital","label":"St. Francis Hospital","coordinates":{"latitude":38.937571,"longitude":-104.7180603},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

6001 E. Woodmen Road, 1st Floor, Colorado Springs, CO 80923

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"EmUhbxDSRxGaqiLcxyEN0A","slug":"opec","label":"OPEC","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1719520126-opec-banner.jpg","alt":"desert and mountain scene","id":"GIMM-ARkQdq_ZSSsZChGDA"},"phoneNumber":"(719) 895-9090","address":"

1615 Medical Center Point,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Karin Cesario | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Dr. Cesario is a board-certified gastroenterologist and transplant hepatologist.","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"SJfg-Eb1T7eQY7FTke0pRQ","name":"Lukasz Kowalczyk","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778446-lukaszkowalczyk.jpg","alt":"Luzasz Kowalczyk"},"slug":"luzasz-kowalczyk","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Dr. Kowalczyk strives to help patients make choices specifically suited to their own health preferences. This means patients feel he understands and addresses their concerns. Dr. Kowalczyk hopes patients leave their appointment with a feeling that he clearly explained their plan of care and that it matches their own personal health goals. This goes beyond the doctor-patient interaction and extends to the full team: nurses, medical assistants, receptionists, schedulers, etc.

  1. Algorithm for the management of endoscopic perforations: a quality improvement project
  2. \n
  3. Complications during natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery: endoscopic management of splenic laceration and hemorrhage
  4. \n
  5. Prospective randomized blinded comparison of a short-wire endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography system with traditional long-wire devices
  6. \n
  7. Prospective trial comparing solid-state catheter and water-perfusion triple-lumen catheter for sphincter of Oddi manometry done at the time of ERCP
  8. \n
  9. Endoscopic therapy for chronic pancreatitis: technical success, clinical outcomes, and complications
  10. \n
","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"IojB5Nf0Qr-Y7DnIjepJFA","slug":"cascade","label":"Cascade","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576677-cascade-banner.jpg","alt":"Cascade","id":"LpsPeWqESxaEJOouaVhw6w"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

2920 N Cascade Ave, Suite 300,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"OPhF9xhbRxi595WnIVMl4Q","slug":"scope","label":"SCOPE","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576723-scope-banner.jpg","alt":"buildings","id":"d-6m74KJQ6q3CEEe_G2nQA"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 362-2300","address":"

2920 N. Cascade Ave., Suite 100,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"DM80yx1hSGqsl9eiy15gsg","slug":"penrose-hospital","label":"Penrose Hospital","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8652866,"longitude":-104.8224717},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2222 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"EmUhbxDSRxGaqiLcxyEN0A","slug":"opec","label":"OPEC","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1719520126-opec-banner.jpg","alt":"desert and mountain scene","id":"GIMM-ARkQdq_ZSSsZChGDA"},"phoneNumber":"(719) 895-9090","address":"

1615 Medical Center Point,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Lukasz Kowalczyk, MD | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Dr. Kowalczyk strives to help patients make choices specifically suited to their own health preferences.","image":null},"modules":[{"_modelApiKey":"reviews_slider","id":"ZT_gpke0QrG2zcJk7Jahdg","title":"","link":null,"linkLabel":"","reviews":[{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Kowalczyk was on time for our video con which was much appreciated. He is kind and caring and listens to concerns and is proactive in running tests to help determine treatment plans. I’m very happy with Dr K.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"During two procedures, I received excellent professional care from Dr. Kowalczyk and his staff accompanied by the expertise and friendliness of everyone. And, specific follow-up reports were given in a very efficient and timely way so I was given the findings and prognosis. Many thanks. I so appreciate this medical practice.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I Had a visit with Dr. Lukasz Kowalczyk on Friday January 26.2024, at the Colorado Springs CO facility. Overall, the visit was very productive. Dr. Kowalczyk is an outstanding visit. He is highly professional, attentive , caring and cordial. I feel very confident that he will provide the best treatment regime for my problem. Jon A. Hodge","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. K is kind and attentive. He listened to me and promptly scheduled what I needed to get more answers. His office was nice and quick and kind. I have had a great experience overall but especially with Dr. K and his bedside manner.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"If you like 5 star treatment instead of being another number. This is the place you want to be. Dr K and his team are awesome. Update: just had my next visit. DR k and his team still made my visit easy. Friendly, sharing and caring!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I was impressed on how well the whole staff worked together, helped each other, and got along. You can see that patient care is their first concern. The staff was so helpful, answered and cares or concerns. We had a few laughs. Everyone that took care of me was so nice and I enjoyed talking to them. I was comfortable right away. I was a great atmosphere with the way they all got along.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Had a great experience. The staff there was amazing. Made me comfortable and took great care of me . Everything was great till I woke up with gas pain ! Lol… but they took care of me then too . Thanks for everything! 🤗","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The entire staff were kind, professional and timely. Communication leading up to my procedures was perfect - not too much, not too little. I spoke to Dr. K very little, but in the short time he was polite, respectful and warm.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Staff and Dr. K were all so friendly, extremely professional, great location with clean offices! The staff kept the nerves at bay by just keeping conversation and the occasional laughs ! Great experience for sure !!!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Office was neat and tidy ,office staff prompt and personable. Dr K was to the point n my needs, professional, knowledgeable, explained what would be done in procedure that he would be performing. Reassuring me I would be in good hands.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr K is always very empathetic, extremely thorough and highly professional. I appreciate his knowledge and attention to detail! After many MANY doctors and nearly 20 years, he was the one finally diagnosing me with celiacs. Not every case is textbook and he knows it! Thanks, Dr. K, please never ever leave the Springs! -A.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I was a little weirded out about the location,But the friendly staff made up for it. Each and every staff member was nice and seemed like they had a good team! This procedure is never fun but the staff and DR. KOWALCZYK Made it a bit easier. Thank you!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Recently I had a routine Colonoscopy. My experience was actually very comfortable. From the front desk to the nurses, anesthesiologist and Doctor. I loved that everyone really enjoyed their job and were very professional at the same time. I felt very safe. Super team of people. ??","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I received some disturbing results from a previous lab, and went into this appointment extremely nervous. Dr. Kowalczyk put me at ease before this appointment. He also ordered up some additional testing to help rectify my medical situation, as well as took me under his direct care for future appointments. I am very happy with the care I received, and the reassurance I received at this appointment. I would highly recommend Dr.K for anyone seeking gastroenterology care!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Kowalczyk was very calming and professional, and had a great bedside manner. He answered all my questions and told me exactly how the procedure would go, and then covered all of the findings from the procedure afterwards. I never once felt that I was going to be cared for at anything less than the best possible care offered.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr K was very personable and professional. He explained very clearly and went above and beyond to make sure he ruled out all possible scenarios. I would highly recommend him. The staff were also very professional and courteous.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I am a new ostomy recipient and was uneasy about my procedure. Dr. K reached out to me personally, the evening before, to see if I had any questions and explained the procedures I would be receiving. I felt that he cared about his patients and assured me that I would receive good care. Dr. K and his team was very professional and efficient. I wouldn’t go as far as saying that they made having a colonoscopy fun but they made the experience the best that it could be.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. K is very personable and has a great attitude and bedside manner. He seems to really care how the patient feel and he explained everything and made an uncomfortable appointment much more comfortable. - In one addition Jeremy was amazing as well.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. K is one of a kind!! He is very thorough, he listens and makes you comfortable to share your medical issues. He is smart and works diligently to find resolutions to your issue. His bedside manner is the BEST EVER!! I trust Dr. K with my care and my life!! I highly recommend Dr. K","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. K takes the time to listen to your questions and concerns. He offers the best plan for treatment and provides follow up appointments. I truly value his expertise, knowledge and personal touch. He is, in my opinion, the BEST.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very nice and friendly staff, patient and caring. Doctor K is very approachable, and answered all my questions. He told me what to expect, and at the end of the procedure, which was very fast, he told me the results and what would be my next step. I would highly recommend Dr. K. Thank you for all the work you do.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I absolutely LOVE Dr. Kowalczyk! He really takes the time to discusss any issues/problems in-depth and makes sure you understand and are good with any treatment protocol. I would highly recommend him to anyone who needs a great gastroenterologist!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Kowalczyk was very thorough yet efficient in his professionalism during my colonoscopy. He was concise in his bedside manner comments yet friendly. I would not hesitate to have other procedures performed by him.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. K and his crew are friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful professionals. I was nervous about the procedure and each of them explained every step and made me feel more comfortable. Dr. K introduced himself before the procedure and afterwards he detailed his findings. He gave me a printed document with pictures explaining what he found and the instructions for me to follow from that day forward. I would highly recommend Dr. K and Peak Gastroenterology to anyone who needs this procedure.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr K was terrific and the staff were outstanding as well. The clinic looks more like a house than a medical building which actually turned out to be very nice and made a more comfortable experience. I plan to return next time I need this type of procedure and will ask for Dr K!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Everyone was great and explained everything thoroughly. Dr. Kowalczyk went over what would be done, when the procedure was complete, explained how it went and his findings. I was very pleased with this experience/l","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Very impressed with this doc both times I've been in the Scope Center. This time he was on his way out and stopped to talk with me about the results, answer my questions, and reassure me. GREAT DOC!!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"This doctor was very friendly and thorough. I enjoyed talking to him. You only get to meet them for a few minutes but he made a great impression on me because he had a very outgoing personality. Very sweet man and doctor.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr K did a fine job. He was pleasant, came across as competent and capable. All his actions confirmed this. He answered all questions and even laughed at my lame jokes. The rest of the staff was also very caring and pleasant, making sure I was as comfortable as possible and also did whatever they could to ease any concerns. I visited an office in Colorado Springs vs his Castle Rock facility.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr K is the best!!!! I had a very bad experience with a health care surgeon and became very fearful of Doctors. Dr K has helped me medically and helped renewed my trust and faith in the medical profession! I highly recommend Dr K and am so grateful to have him as my Dr!!!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"As a medic, I found Dr. Kowalczyk to be extremely knowledgeable and easy to talk to especially since I knew quite abit about the procedure beforehand. He has a good since of humor and the team worked well together. I would recommend him to anyone who needed this procedure,","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Had a chance to speak with Dr. Kowalczyk. He was very professional and informative. We spoke prior to my procedure on the process as well as other items moving forward that I should pay attention to that were noticed on my pre-screening. The procedure went as planned and was completed on time. No time wasted waiting. This procedure was handled professionally from the 1st phone call to the end of the procedure and release. The staff was pleasant, very well informed and on top of all. Thanks for providing comfort during an uncomfortable time. Hope to see you all again in 5 years!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Kowalczyk and his staff were excellent. I won't have to have another colonoscopy for 10 years, and I hope he is still at Peak Gastroenterology clinic in 2032, because he's the one I want to do the procedure.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Kowalczyk has a great bedside manner, gives detailed information and made me feel very comfortable leading up to my procedure. I would highly recommend him. The entire staff I had contact with was wonderful, kind, funny and made an uncomfortable day be so much better.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Kowalczyk is quite personable and talks easily with patients. He came and discussed the procedure beforehand and put my mind at ease. The staff at Front Range were welcoming and treated patients with respect. They were efficient and worked well with the each other.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Not only was Dr.K a real professional and great communication he also informed me that my next prep for colonoscopy can be saved by tossing the gallon jug and recommending an alternative solution. Thank you","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"From the start to the end this place is top notch. Efficient, friendly, and thorough. The staff is fantastic. I was a bit nervous and they put me at ease and made me feel comfortable. The whole thing was a breeze. Looking forward to to my next colonoscopy! Ok, maybe not looking forward, but I won’t be dreading it. This place is great and I highly recommend them!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I believe I’ve made a good choice. He listens and is compassionate regarding my health concerns. I did just experience 2 procedures that went very went and I appreciate his thoroughness in taking more biopsies for a more accurate diagnosis.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"An exceptional group of doctors, nurses and associates. The overall health care was the best I have ever had for this procedure. I would not hesitate recommending Dr. Kowalczyk and his staff for their thoroughness and efficiency.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Considering what I was being seen for It was a good experience.The staff was very professional and pleasant . I would say it was a great place and Doctor and I would recommend any body to go there .🌺","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"VERY professional, knowledgeable and experienced specialist. We are lucky that he’s decided to move to Colorado Springs from Florida. :-) I’m very grateful for him and his Team and I’m very happy with the results of my procedure. Thank you!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Excellent GI physician with personal in-depth interaction. He utilizes a variety of treatments, testing, monitoring and methods. Great bedside manner with a genuine interest in patients health. Will regret the day he retires.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"This is my gastroenterologist. He does my colonoscopies and he does an excellent job. He has a great surgical team. He is very professional. He has been practicing for many many years. He is very confident because he knows his job very well. Thank you Dr. Kowalczyk. I wish all surgeons had your personality, bedside manner, compassion, professionalism and awesome team.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Kowalczyk and his MA Jeremy are an amazing team! They were very friendly and personable. I also got great care and felt heard! Everyone from the front desk to the scheduling was incredibly helpful and kind! Thanks so much everyone!!!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"This man possesses incredibly, infectious, positive energy. Lets face it, probably not a ton of folks looking forward to their colonoscopy...until you walk through the doors and meet Dr. Kowalczyk. The visit, procedure, report, information were great. I thank you.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The office ran very smoothly and on time. Everyone from the front desk to nurses and doctors were very friendly as well as informative, and informed me of everything that was going to happen. There were no surprises, and the procedure was over in the time they predicted. There was not a single negative thing I can say about my experience.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I met Dr. K for the first time just a few minutes before the scheduled start time of my “Double Scope” procedure early in the morning in the patient prep room at Penrose Hospital. I am an older man and was considered a slightly higher risk patient for the procedure. Dr. K took the time to explain the procedures to me, go over my concerns and address my questions. He was both personable and professional. From that point, I was relaxed and confident knowing I was in good hands. All turned out fine.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr K has been my doctor for a little over 5 years now. He has been nothing but empathetic, compassionate, and understanding. I would say he’s is the best doctor in the business. He helped save my life and I will forever be grateful.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Absolutely fabulous medical care. DrKowalcyk represents being a good and caring old-time doctor which I am very aware of as I have been a doctor for 46 years.He is truly rare in being devoted to his patients.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Thanks to Doctor Kowalczyk and staff for making my experience a positive one. You have an upbeat culture and a great environment. Everyone seems excited to be there. The staff was professional, informative, and helpful. I couldn't ask for more. See you in 5 years.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"If you are looking for a doctor who has integrity, is authentic and genuine, look no further. Dr. Kowalczyk is that doctor. He truly cares about his patients, their families, and those with whom he works with. Dr. K listens, is respectful, reliable, and very well educated. His positive attitude and open minded approach to patient care is a breath of fresh air. He has set the bar high on the standards of patient care and has yet to be matched.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Hey, getting reamed from both directions is nobody’s idea of a fun couple of days, but Dr Lukasz Kowalczyk is a world class Dr, along with his incredible staff! If you want to erase all unnecessary uncertainty with the EGD/Colonoscopy process, this is the best team in S Colorado! The Dr is gentle & perfectly thorough. The entire team is kind, professional and very knowledgeable and compassionate. I also love the location which is in an old house that has been converted into a state of the art medical facility. It’s at 719 N. Cascade Ave., just four houses south of the Colorado College campus. There’s plenty of parking out back & the place has a much nicer feel than the typical office building set up. It Is an absolute no-brainer to schedule your procedure with Dr. Lukasz Kowalczyk. He really is the best in the business!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"All of the SCOPE personnel (including Dr. K) were friendly, professional, and patient focused throughout my recent procedure. There is a lighthearted atmosphere that helps to mitigate any anxiety. Rest assured that though they seem to be having a good time, they know what they are doing, and their true professionals.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Kowalczyk and the staff at Peak Gastroenterology Associates are truly incredible. I had never had a procedure done before and I was incredibly nervous going into it. After filling out all the paper work, I was lead to the back where they prepared me for the procedure. I wish I remembered the lady's name who prepared me for the procedure because she was so incredibly pleasant, calm, and reassuring. She was extremely attentive, kind, helped ease all the anxiety I had about the procedure, and answered all the questions I had. I then went in for the procedure and after waking up, Dr. Kowalczyk discussed what issues were found and the treatment. Thank you all so much for making this process smooth, easy, and as pleasant as could be!!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Kowalczyk and the staff at Peak Gastroenterology Associates are true professionals! Every detail was for my procedure was perfect. I highly recommend him and his staff to anyone needing his services.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Kowalczyk and the staff at Peak Gastroenterology Associates are true professionals! Every detail was for my procedure was perfect. I highly recommend him and his staff to anyone needing his services.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very clean and wonderful receptionist. When taken to the back to await my procedure the staff was extremely friendly, helpful and very considerate of my prior 3 back surgeries. The doctor was absolutely wonderful. It's so hard to find caring doctors these days. The staff that cared for me came in and introduced themselves as they usually do I'm sure, but it was the way they presented themselves and the care I was given. I would highly recommend this facility to anyone.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr, Kowalczyk was very informative in updating me as I had previously had the procedure done. His demeanor was professional while casual enough to put me at easy. The procedure went quickly with no issues and concerns, with the results provided immediately afterwards along with recommendation for follow up.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Doctor Kowalczyk and his team are absolutely amazing people! I have been struggling with my conditions for almost 5 years with no specific diagnosis just medicine given & sent on my way. That's when I met Dr. K and his team. They never gave up on me and after just a few scopes he knew just what to do & which surgeon to team up with. They dug deep & found out the culprit. Now with a partial wrap of my esophagus, hiatal hernia repair & pyloroplasty I am on the road to recovery. I can't thank everyone enough for giving me another chance at a better life. I am forever grateful for all of you. Amber Rosa","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I have already shared Dr. K's name with friends, since he is the quintessential professional physician. I have trusted him with 3 procedures (requiring anesthesia) now, and all 3 were successful and had the absolute exact results he advised prior to the procedures. He is consistently on time for my appointments, answers all of my questions thoroughly, and has friendly and helpful staff that call me back quickly if I have to leave a voicemail message. I can wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Kowalczyk with 100% confidence.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Kowalczyk is very efficient, yet friendly at the same time, easy to understand the procedure and answered all my questions. I knew exactly what was being done and why. I had confidence in the doctor, so wasn't nervous. All of the staff was caring and really nice and efficient. The Anesthesia Doctor was very comforting.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I had 2 procedures from Dr. Kowalczyk and he put me at ease on both of them before proceeding to the procedures. They were both ones I have never had before and did not know what to expect. After talking to him I felt I was in good hands. His follow up was very thorough and informative. He takes the time to listen as well as to explain. I would highly recommend him. He is a great choice.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"A kind, caring, physician who treated me like a human being and made me feel comfortable under difficult circumstances. Then handled all my problems and questions with ease. I have been treated by 3 GI doctors and Dr Kowalczyk is by far the best, based on my experience's. I understand why he has been voted one of Colorado Spring's \"Top Doc's\" 3 separate years. He is an exceptional person.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. K gave me excellent care while I was in the hospital Successfully diagnosing my issues with acid reflux. He gave the right medications and reduced them as needed for my situation. I found his staff to be helpful and friendly. Dr. K was thorough and attentive during my visits and gave as much time as I needed. On one occasion he made room to see me on a Saturday.","rating":5}],"filter":"","reviewCharacterLimit":300,"items":"3","animation":"fadeInUp","helpers":""}]},{"id":"BJ7ypYUBR3WDdJIh0QuAeQ","name":"Buck Patel","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778596-buck-patel-icon.jpg","alt":"Buck Patel"},"slug":"buck-patel","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Bhaktasharan “Buck” Patel, M.D., is the founder and president of Peak Gastroenterology Associates (PGA), formed in 1996. Since the summer of 2013, PGA has grown to 11 providers, including 10 board-certified physicians and one board-certified adult nurse practitioner.


Dr. Patel’s pleasant and happy disposition make him a patient favorite. Among his peers, Dr. Patel is regarded as an outstanding clinical mind with extremely low complication rates and high polyp detection rates. Dr. Patel currently chairs the Peer Review Committee at Memorial Hospital/University of Colorado Health and was the chief of the Peer Review Committee for the El Paso County Medical Society for five years (2005-2010).


The largest practice by volume of providers and by geographical distribution, PGA is also the fastest growing practice in the region. PGA proudly serves the entire Pikes Peak and Southern Colorado region from Castle Rock to Colorado Springs to Pueblo and beyond. With the area’s most widely experienced and trained gastrointestinal providers, PGA conducts procedures at more centers than any other practice, including its home surgery center, Front Range Endoscopy Centers. Multiple clinics are also available for the convenience of patients.

","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"IojB5Nf0Qr-Y7DnIjepJFA","slug":"cascade","label":"Cascade","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576677-cascade-banner.jpg","alt":"Cascade","id":"LpsPeWqESxaEJOouaVhw6w"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

2920 N Cascade Ave, Suite 300,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"OPhF9xhbRxi595WnIVMl4Q","slug":"scope","label":"SCOPE","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576723-scope-banner.jpg","alt":"buildings","id":"d-6m74KJQ6q3CEEe_G2nQA"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 362-2300","address":"

2920 N. Cascade Ave., Suite 100,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Bhaktasharan “Buck” Patel, M.D. | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Bhaktasharan “Buck” Patel, M.D., is the founder and president of Peak Gastroenterology Associates (PGA), formed in 1996. ","image":null},"modules":[{"_modelApiKey":"reviews_slider","id":"Yfh60ouQQY2Q0lvNfm_9Aw","title":"","link":null,"linkLabel":"","reviews":[{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I have been a patient of Dr Patel for many years. He is top-notch in his profession. He has a elegant and magnetic personality. He is always joyfull and kind. He listens to my complaints and provides a resolution in a gentle manner which is what I require. He knows stuff and is always able to provides the healing I need. I appreciate him very much for his more than satisfactory solutions. I highly recommend him.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel was excellent and staffs were professionals. I was informed every step of the procedure and made sure my safety was top priority. Made me feel at ease and comfortable throughout the process.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Patel was both personal and approachable. He was reassuring and established trust quickly. He was happy to answer any questions and seemed genuine. The entire staff was great including nurses and office personnel. Made the procedure a lot easier.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I wish I could choose more than 5 stars. Dr Patel has been doing my colonoscopies and managing my Gastro health for many years. He is direct and knowledgeable. He is kind and listens. I feel safe and assured that he is looking out for me and my overall health. My colonoscopies started out early because of family history and some of the early ones were nightmares. I transferred to Dr Patel and while a colonoscopy is not my favorite thing, Dr Patel has completely made these as easy as they could be and I am always assured of his complete competence as my gastroenterologist. Thank you Dr Patel!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"First time getting an endoscopy and a colonoscopy and it all went well. Staff and Dr. were great, even had some Micheal Jackson playing in the surgery room which felt right for some reason lol. I'd definitely recommend them, thanks for the great experience!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"It was a Colonoscopy, so I had just met the Dr. That morning. He and his team did a great job, and I was in and out in the required time. Hopefully the biopsies will be just as positive as the procedure","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Patel is a very pleasant & friendly Dr. He was knowledgeable abt. My issue & my reason for our meeting. He listened & answered my questions & responded to them in a way I could understand. He was very positive.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Such a wonderful experience. I got both my EGD and my colonoscopy done. The instructions were very clear. The prep was not too bad and definitely worth the health benefits. The check-in process was easy and the staff at the facility were excellent. Dr. Patel and Mitzi were extremely professional. The sleep was wonderful and the care I received from all of the staff was top-notch. Thank you for taking care of me and providing such a wonderful service to the community.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel appeared to be quick and efficient for my procedure, and I say 'appeared' only because I remember being wheeled into the procedures room and then waking up in recovery with the entire procedure taking about 12-15 minutes. Good work, Doc, thanks.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel and his staff are always professional and get me in and out of the office as necessary. I am very pleased with the information I am provided by Dr. Patel and enjoy his easy-going attitude. I never leave wondering if I need to consult another physician. I have a lot of trust in Dr. Patel. I would recommend him to family and friends.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"My experience with peak Gastro.. was my first with this facility and Dr. Patel. Very friendly and informative. I will use them in the future. Although I do feel the long prep time can be shortened a couple days. Just speaking from past experiences.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel is one of the most caring, compassionate and wonderful specialists I’ve ever had. It’s not a leap to say that he has saved my life several times. His ability to connect with his patients and their care givers is above and beyond. I know if I’m ever in serious health trouble he will always come through to help me. When you’re a chronically ill patient with a genetic disease it is priceless having a doctor that truly cares. He’s been taking care of me for over 20yrs now and is the last doctor left from my original team of specialists that initially got me diagnosed and began my care. I will always be so grateful for Dr. Patel and all he has done for me. I also have to give a shout out to his wonderful staff. They are so kind and ready to help. Thank you all so much. You’re a priceless addition to the world of healthcare.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Patel is awesome. He's caring and very good at what he does. I would and did recommend Dr Patel to a friend- why? He's gentle, kind and straight forward. I feel more like family then a patient! The entire staff was really patient, understanding, caring and I wouldn't go anywhere else! These people saved my life and I am eternally grateful for the entire staff.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"this is a doctors office you dont mind going to everyone is great and theytake care of you that makes you very comfortable. it gives you a peace of mind that this doctor and his care. thank you doctor","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel was wonderful as were his associates in the office: Roxanne, Dr. Falk (anesthesiologist), Jacqui, Javan, Kathy, and others. They took such good care of me and I was very pleased with the entire procedure (what I remember of it!). I did some funny stuff (like writing something funny on my legs) and Dr. Patel got a good laugh about it and even took a picture of my message to him. The others were kind, professional, personable, and happy with their jobs, it seemed. I will recommend this facility and these medical professionals to everyone I know. I'm glad I won't have to have it done for a number of years, again, but it was a terrific experience!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel is the best. He cares about his patients and is really good at what he does. The entire staff - receptionist, nurses, assistant, lab tech and the rest are fantastic caring patient and very understanding. I have the best medical team I could ask for!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The staff and Dr. Patel were courteous, helpful, friendly, informative and highly professional. They took great pains to ensure I was informed of all aspects of the colonoscopy I was going to undergo. I was called prior to the procedure to ensure I was ready for it and after the procedure to see if I had any complications and give answer to any questions I might have.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel got it right! After two previous miserable colonoscopies the third one was excellent. Previous procedures resulted in ER visits after not being able to get all of the CO2 out of my system. According to the nurse during yesterday's procedure he decided not to use CO2 and the results were excellent. No post procedural pain but more importantly a clean colon, thanks Dr. Patel.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very nice man that took the time to answer my questions. The procedure notes were given to me as I was leaving. I very thankful for that because I need them to schedule an appointment with a General Surgeon. ","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I absolutely adore Dr. Patelhe has been my gastroenterology for many years. He is kind courteous and explains things for me to understands. I would refer him to any body that needs this type of procedure.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr.Patel is a good dude. He told me that I had afib which I didn't know about. He told me that my kidney function was bad . In both cases he sent me to another Dr. Who could help me . I'm ok now thanks to him . I really don't like getting a colonoscopy. I wouldn't trust anyone else to do it . But I trust him . Thanks Dr. Patel . Sincerely, John Travis","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel was very nice and friendly. The staff was very caring and made me feel comfortable. The office checked on me 24 hours later and I was happy to report that I had not have any discomfort after the procedure. I do recommend this place.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Everyone at the clinic was so nice & I felt like they really cared about me. The anesthesiologist listened yo me when I told him I was very sensitive to anesthesia. He gave me a lower dose as I requested & I was able to wake up & didn't have the anesthesia \"hangover\" I normally have. This was thes best colonoscopy I have ever had.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"They provide you with all the information you need to get prepared for your procedure. You should follow it and arrive at the specified time. The staff are excellent. Dr Patel seems very relaxed and is easy going prior to me being put out. Afterwards, the staff are very pleasant and supportive. Overall, not as bad as it could have been considering the task.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel came in before the procedure and introduced himself, ensuring that I understood the procedure and that I was comfortable with it. After the procedure, he came back in to explain the findings and make sure I was doing okay. The printed report I got was very thorough and reassuring. I would definitely recommend Dr. Patel for anyone tasked with having a colonoscopy.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I had a colonoscopy and a EGD that went off without event. Prep instructions were complete, and easy to understand. The staff was compassionate yet professional. The anesthesia I received for the procedure was safe, and well administered by Dr. Mike Moore, MD. I appreciated Dr Patel taking time to speak with me after the procedure, and giving me some suggestions as to how I could optimize my GI health.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"This was my first visit of this kind and the entire office team made me feel at ease. From reception to check-out, I felt like I knew everyone there. The team in the prep room were the best. Dr Patel is phenomenal!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The staff at Peak Gastroenterology are always kind and professional. Dr. Patel is fantastic in his demeanor and overall professionalism. He is top-notch in his chosen profession. I have been his gastroenterology patient for over 20 years. He knows his stuff. I appreciate the time he takes to explain everything. He is always patient and kind. He has a great sense of humor and pleasant disposition which makes me feel comfortable and at ease around him. I applaud and I thank Him so much for his expertise in finding the root case of my gasro issues. I trust him completely.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I was most impressed with the support staff during my visit. From the initial appointment set up through the aftercare follow-up the staff there was professional and courteous. The day of my appointment was great from start to finish, everyone explained what was going to happen and it went smoothly. IV started easy, anesthesia was 100% perfect with no issues, Dr. Patel made to procedure quick and painless, and discharge was trouble free. The staff is what made the difference and they all deserve recognition for the job they did. I commend them all from the nice lady who checked me in, the nurse who started the IV, and the Nurse Anesthesiologist (great guy) who put me under with no issues (no short term memory loss, no pain, and no recovery issues) and the nurse who discharged me. All really great professionals who made my visit one of the best experiences.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Overall great experience though I was asleep for most of it! The Doctors, Nurses and Saff were amazing and friendly and answered all my questions. All the way up to lights out and awake again I felt in good hands.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"The procedure performed by Dr. Bhaktasharan was very quick and painless. After the IV was placed in my arm, the doctor explained the process and the next thing I know, I was waking up and the procedure was complete. I would recommend Peak Gastroenterology Associates for this procedure.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I have been going to Dr. Patel for over 15 years and have found him to be friendly, engaging and very professional. Dr. Patel has always explained what was going to happen and how long it would take. After the procedure he would explain how the procedure went and what I would need to do in the future. Even though Dr. Patel isn't always on time and I take that as he is a very busy and in demand professional, he never seems in a hurry. We even joke about that. I would fully recommend Dr. Patel and his very competent staff for any of your procedures. He is a 5 star doctor.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I have had Dr. Patel for two procedures and have been completely satisfied. Both procedures were performed at Peak Gastroenterology Associates at 719 N. Cascade in Colorado Springs. The entire staff was friendly and professional.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Got an appointment quickly, staff contacted me about prep, warned me about weather and possible cancellation ( which if needed couldn’t avoid.). Day of procedure was quick efficient , staff very professional DR was friendly and easy to talk to. They followed up day after. I will use them again in 5 years.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Front desk associate was friendly and efficient, the MA was thorough with her medical questions and did a great job putting in the IV, Doctor Patel and Mike the Anesthesiologist were awesome too as i was informed of what i was to expect and they were great to ask if I had questions. My experience was equally matched with the follow up nurse after the procedure plus i received a call the next day to check on me, how I was feeling and asked if i had any questions. All in all a very good experience, it is the only place I care to go as i have been there twice and will return in 5 years.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel took an extra amount of time with me and that means a lot when it comes to specialist. He explained everything and answered all my questions. He has been a BIG help over the last few months that I have been going to him. I feel like we are finally getting to the root of my pain and not just putting bandaids on it. Thank you Dr. Patel.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Explained the procedure and then at the end Dr. Patel went through what he found, what he did and new steps in trying to determine what he planned on doing in sending items for a biopsy. I felt very comfortable in all the information he provided.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Care received was amazing from scheduling to follow-up. This is not my first procedure with Dr. Patel & staff and as situation dictates, won't be the last. Truly appreciate the care I received from an awesome staff and facility. Recommend without hesitation.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"First time having a colonoscopy. The prep was absolutely brutal but the actual experience was wonderful. For such an awkward and uncomfortable procedure, EVERYONE was incredible from the front desk to the nurses (Rich is hilarious) to the anesthesiologist and of course. Dr. Patel. I really appreciated everyone there.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel listened to me when I first saw him and explained how I had some issues with my last gastroenterologist. He started with new testing and I still had precancerous polyps that my last Dr. said was removed! Thank you for listening!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The staff at this location were very friendly, upbeat and explained everything that was going to happen. Dr. Patel came out to introduce himself and asked if I had any concerns or questions for him. The procedure was done quickly and everything went well.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel was informative and explained each step completely. His sense of humor lightens up what can be a little scary. I felt taken care of and fully trusted him. He has surrounded himself with a very efficient team that is also warm and friendly. All my needs were taken care of.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I was so nervous for my first colonoscopy, even after many friends and relatives told me the worst part was the few days of prep before the procedure. I even began to tear up when they wheeled me into the examination room. Dr. Patel couldn't have been more sweet. He helped put my mind at ease, not only by telling me everything would be fine, but also had a great sense of humor and bedside manner. His staff was just as helpful and caring. Much appreciation for Dr. Patel and his professional staff. I highly recommend Dr. Patel.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel and his team were patient, kind and understanding. I had a very negative experience last time but this was totally different. Everyone listened, answered questions and made me feel like they cared about my experience.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Was awesome! He saw my daughter and myself at once. Had to give tough love to my daughter but truly had her best interest at heart. Was very compassionate with me. His entire office is so kind and helpful. Highly recommend Peak Gastro and Dr. Patel.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Patel was very thorough and took quite a bit of time to review my extensive medical history and my current concerns. I appreciated Dr. Patel taking immediate action with appropriate labs and future procedures. He scheduled me himself, which I thought was super kind, being that he could have easily sent me to the scheduling department. Being an RN, with an MD as a husband, we both thought that Dr. Patel went above and beyond for me during the appointment. We feel very lucky to have found him to be part of my care team.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I appreciated him taking the time to explain in layman's terms about my situation. Especially why he wanted me to have another colonoscopy this year. The prep for them is so awful, I was not happy about having another one so soon. But he helped me understand the importance, and maintaining my health is very important to me.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr Patel has done 3 colonoscopies for me over the years. He spends time explaining the procedure as well as the staff and explains the results afterward. He is a great GI physician. I definitely recommend him.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The staff at Peak Gastroenterology were very professional. They took special care to help me feel relaxed and assured that I was in good hands. I would definitely recommend Dr. Patel and his staff to anyone in need of their services!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Every staff member made my experience comfortable. They were reassuring, kind, understanding, friendly, and informative. I had no complications before, during, or after my procedure. Thank you to the team and to the doctor! :)","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Incredibly thankful for the staff and their support during my appointment. I had some major anxiety and everyone was so supportive and patient and nice the entire time while I freaked out. Seriously, thank you to everyone in the clinic that day who helped keep me calm and got me through the procedure.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Patel and his staff are very professional, friendly, kind. Answered all my questions. I loved how the followed with me after my procedure. Even after I’ve gotten out of my procedure the nurses were very attentive make sure I was comfortable and feeling my best, they didn’t rush me in anyway which I really loved, I’ve had other places rush me 15 minutes after waking up from anesthesia. Thank you Dr Patel and your stuff for taking good care of me!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Always treys his patients with respect and dignity. Soo interested in each patients health and checks me out thoroughly and cares so much about the health of individuals. He is a very sweet, caring, but professional Doctor. I highly recommend him. You will be so happy you made the appointment.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I have been seeing Dr. Patel for over 20 years. He has always taken the time to listen, and I have never felt rushed. He is still going to urge you to go the direction he wants. But he has always given the reasons behind it.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel has saved my life several times. I wouldn't be here without his commitment and dedication to making sure his patients are always taken care of. I have been a patient for 20yrs now and am so grateful for all he has done to take care of me. If you need a great specialist this is your guy!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"From the moment I got there I was treated with respect, and the nursing staff and the doctors , and the anesthesiologist , they were all so professional and knowledgeable . I felt very safe in their hands. Absolute perfection!!!!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Patel and Staff are top of the line healthcare professionals that work in unison to provide the very best medical care. I have total confidence and trust in Dr. Patel to deliver thorough and concise results.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Patel is top-notch. He instilled a high degree of confidence when he took the time to explain their state of the art equipment and it’s benefits. . He is very congenial and his caring attitude was very comforting.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I have seen Dr. Patel only once so far, and I was very impressed. He took time to really listen to my concerns regarding my abdominal pain and distention. He took a thorough background of ALL my medical issues and concerns and voiced his reasoning as a need to address my health in general, not just my abdominal issues. He was VERY gentle when doing the physical exam of my abdomen. Even before I was on the schedule, his medical assistant returned my call to offer suggestions to help ease my pain until I was able to see Dr. Patel.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Patel has taken care of my chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic stones for several years and I would go to no other Doctor. I do not live in Colorado and travel over 750 miles each way twice a year because he is the best and most professionally accomplished physician I have seen. Very few physicians in the US have his level of expertise in his specialty. His caring and concern for his patient is exemplary. His medical assistants go above and beyond the typical care for patients as well.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Patel is a wonderful doctor. Very down to earth and a pleasure to meet with. He is very knowledgeable and sincerely cares for his patients. He is thorough and explains diagnoses well, along with telling you what options are available and helping with the best route to fixing the problem.","rating":5}],"filter":"","reviewCharacterLimit":300,"items":"3","animation":"fadeInUp","helpers":""}]},{"id":"XdO9QLGUT1yn3Fw-1dn-1w","name":"Michael Paolucci","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778589-micahel-paolucci-headshot.jpg","alt":"Michael Paolucci"},"slug":"michael-paolucci","credentials":"MD","intro":"","about":"","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"RpG2ULGORLuXci02x4ohsg","slug":"memorial-central-uchealth","label":"Memorial Central/UCHealth","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8395029,"longitude":-104.7995898},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

1400 E. Boulder St., 1st Floor, Colorado Springs, CO 80909

","modelType":"affiliate"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Michael Paolucci | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Meet Michael Paolucci at Peak Gastroenterology Associates. ","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"CQ6Y6OetQoSiRvsQAG2Yfw","name":"Nicholas V. Costrini","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778389-nicholasvincentcostrini.jpg","alt":"Nicholas Vincent Costrini"},"slug":"nicholas-vincent-costrini","credentials":"MD, Ph.D., MBA","intro":"

Dr. Nicholas Vincent Costrini is a board-certified gastroenterologist. After attending the Medical College of Wisconsin, he completed his internship and residency in medicine at Washington University School of Medicine, where he became Chief Resident. There, he completed his GI fellowship as well as a postdoctoral molecular biology fellowship. He went on to hold numerous academic faculty positions at Washington University in St. Louis and the Medical College of Wisconsin.


Dr. Costrini’s career spans five decades. During that time, he built the largest solo GI practice and endoscopy center in the South and developed one of the region’s largest Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) programs. Drawn to Colorado for its beautiful nature offerings, he took the opportunity to work for Peak Gastroenterology.


Dr. Costrini entered medicine due to its endless potential for discovery and has devoted himself to scholarship, philanthropy, and lifelong learning throughout his career. His favorite part of the job is applying recent advances in medical care to improve patients’ lives.


He enjoys sailing, playing with his dogs, and watching a large variety of sports. Dr. Costrini and his wife live in Colorado Springs. They have four grown children and three grandchildren. His daughter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren reside in Denver.

  1. Relative Effects of Pregnancy, Estradiol and Progesterone on Plasma Insulin and Pancreatic Islet Insulin Secretion
  2. \n
  3. Plasma Insulin Disturbances in Primary Hyperparathyroidism
  4. \n
  5. In Vivo and In Vitro Metabolism of 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM in rainbow trout)
  6. \n
  7. A Simple Method for Regulating and Monitoring Circulating Glucose Levels
  8. \n
  9. Effect of Diabetes, Hyperglycemia and Hyperinsulinemia on Human Intestinal Absorption of Glucose, Electrolytes and Water
  10. \n
  11. Binding Characteristics and Apparent Molecular Size of the Nerve Growth Factor Receptor from Rabbit Superior Cervical Ganglia
  12. \n
  13. Physical Properties of the Detergent-Extracted Nerve Growth Factor Receptor of Sympathetic Ganglia
  14. \n
","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"PnNTTCtpT6CwMWfzmcBkXg","slug":"st-francis-hospital","label":"St. Francis Hospital","coordinates":{"latitude":38.937571,"longitude":-104.7180603},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

6001 E. Woodmen Road, 1st Floor, Colorado Springs, CO 80923

","modelType":"affiliate"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Nicholas Vincent Costrini | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Dr. Nicholas Vincent Costrini is a board-certified gastroenterologist. ","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"JOMQLHH8R8GMie4DJXmvHw","name":"Paul Pinto","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778379-paul-pinto-icon.jpg","alt":"Paul Pinto"},"slug":"paul-pinto","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Dr. Pinto’s practice is office based, and limits his practice to the interpretation of anorectal manometries. He is board certified in both internal medicine, and gastroenterology. 

  1. Large volume paracentesis in nonedematous patients with tense ascites: Its effect on intravascular volume
  2. \n
  3. Acute hepatic injury following the withdrawal of immunosuppressive cancer chemotherapy in patients with hepatitis B
  4. \n
  5. Failure of colchicine to improve short-term survival in patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis
  6. \n
  7. Cyclosporine in the management of corticosteroid-resistant type 1 autoimmune hepatitis
  8. \n
  9. Colchicine treatment of alcoholic cirrhosis: A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial of patient survival
  10. \n
  11. Hydrocholorthiazide as a third diuretic in cirrhosis with refractory ascites
  12. \n
  13. Rapid re-accumulation of ascites after large volume ascites: Its relationship to intravascular volume
  14. \n
  15. Does reduction in hepatic metabolic capacity signal sodium retention in alcoholic cirrhosis?
  16. \n
  17. Cyclosporine treatment of type 1 autoimmune chronic active hepatitis
  18. \n
","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Paul Pinto | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Dr. Pinto specializes in office-based anorectal manometries, with board certifications in internal medicine and gastroenterology.","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"dckv6PXgRjG2L_QJuLkkrA","name":"Prashant Krishnan","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778368-prashantkrishnan2.jpg","alt":"Prashant Krishnan"},"slug":"prashant-krishnan","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Dr. Krishnan is the Chief Medical Officer and Board Member of Gastro Care Partners and Peak. He is an accomplished gastroenterologist specializing in interventional endoscopy, inflammatory bowel diseases, and hepatopancreaticobiliary diseases. 


A Clinical Professor at three institutions, he teaches students and residents, and is also passionate about educating patients to enable them to be active participants in their care. Dr. Krishnan’s clinical acumen is highly regarded and consistently recognized by peers and patients as a “top doc”. Additionally, he sits on various state and federal boards and advocates for physicians and patients on Capitol Hill to Representatives and Senators. In his spare time, Dr. Krishnan immerses himself in literature, music, electronics, and adventure sports.

  1. Aortogastric fistula formation three days after endovascular stent placement
  2. \n
  3. Prolonged Intrahepatic Cholestasis and Renal Failure Secondary to Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Enriched Dietary Supplements: A Review of the Literature
  4. \n
  5. But I’m Better Than That: What to do When You Outshine Your CV. Unique Opportunities
  6. \n
  7. Body Mass Index Predicts Cecal Insertion Time: The Higher, The Better
  8. \n
  9. Evaluation of Anti-HBV Drug Resistant Mutations Among Patients with Acute Symptomatic Hepatitis B in the United States
  10. \n
  11. Acute Hepatitis B in an Urban Tertiary Care Hospital in the United States
  12. \n
  13. The success and complication rates of percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) and a second endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) after an initial failed ERCP
  14. \n
  15. Risk for development of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with hepatitis B as a function of replicative status and cirrhosis in the United States
  16. \n
  17. Is wild type hepatitis B virus still the predominant form of infection or has there been a shift towards resistant strains?
  18. \n
  19. Etanercept may increase the risk for mycobacterium avium complex infections
  20. \n
  21. Fuse Case Study – Polyp
  22. \n
  23. Fuse Case Study – Worms
  24. \n
  25. Fuse Case Study – Bleed
  26. \n
  27. Fuse Case Study – Diverticulum
  28. \n
","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"doETZxSRQRujN6fmX_Ym-g","slug":"interquest","label":"Interquest","coordinates":{"latitude":38.99161730000001,"longitude":-104.7990767},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576753-interquest.jpg","alt":"downtown","id":"EsbZcm4bR0GswEnUizdDSQ"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

1370 Interquest Pkwy, Suite 320,
Colorado Springs, CO 80921

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"OPhF9xhbRxi595WnIVMl4Q","slug":"scope","label":"SCOPE","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576723-scope-banner.jpg","alt":"buildings","id":"d-6m74KJQ6q3CEEe_G2nQA"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 362-2300","address":"

2920 N. Cascade Ave., Suite 100,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"PnNTTCtpT6CwMWfzmcBkXg","slug":"st-francis-hospital","label":"St. Francis Hospital","coordinates":{"latitude":38.937571,"longitude":-104.7180603},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

6001 E. Woodmen Road, 1st Floor, Colorado Springs, CO 80923

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"EmUhbxDSRxGaqiLcxyEN0A","slug":"opec","label":"OPEC","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1719520126-opec-banner.jpg","alt":"desert and mountain scene","id":"GIMM-ARkQdq_ZSSsZChGDA"},"phoneNumber":"(719) 895-9090","address":"

1615 Medical Center Point,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Prashant Krishnan, MD | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Dr. Krishnan is the Chief Medical Officer and Board Member of Gastro Care Partners and Peak. ","image":null},"modules":[{"_modelApiKey":"reviews_slider","id":"cP0HkOPfSge1WWRcAXLLSg","title":"","link":null,"linkLabel":"","reviews":[{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishna was very nice to me despite me being disabled. His staff was nice to me also. He seemed very knowledgeable and explained things to me and did not make me feel like he was talking down to me and that is important to me. I would recommend him.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Outstanding provider who does not dismiss patients or merely treat symptoms but rather seeks answers before providing a diagnosis. After more than 5 years of seeking answers, we finally found a provider who is willing to find the cause of the symptoms.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Very informative the day of my procedure. Great attitude, very reassuring. Called me directly when I missed my telehealth, very punctual. Would highly recommend to anyone. Performed a procedure on my father as well, did a great job.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"In a world where most appointment times aren't met in the medical or dental fields, Dr. Krishnan and his team of professionals were prompt and efficient with my appointment. Time is a valuable commodity, and they had me in and out of my procedure within an hour... OUTSTANDING. On top of their prompt professionalism, their care for me was kind and informative.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan was very kind and we had a very good first visit. He asked pertinent questions and really listened to my answers, questions and concerns. We established our next step and the follow up procedure. ","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"From the time you enter the facility, you are greeted by a warm and friendly Hello!!!!!She make sure, you understand what you are signing, and if you don't, she explain it so that you feel confident when you sign your name.Then when you get called in, the prep nurse take your vital ,and really explain all of what will happen.Then the staff in the OR are amazing letting you know what is going to happen next .I live in Trinidad Colorado but was sent to Colorado Springs which is a 160 mile one way from home and with the cost of gas and food, but the amazing service I was given was well worth the drive ??My Thanks to all the staff's hard work .Arthur Acuna","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Krishant and his entire team gave exceptional care to me. He was very familiar with the complications of my case. He went out of his way to arrange an early EGD for me. His nursing and scheduling team were so very caring and helpful with cheerful, caring tenderness that lifted our spirits in the pain and gave us hope.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I really like dr K he has a great bedside manner he is very reassuring that we will get to the bottom of my problem. This is my second time needing his service and I would highly recommend anyone in need to see Dr K... Thanks Dr K ..","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Wonderful staff and very nice office. They made me feel good and the procedure went quickly. I was in and out of their facility quicker than I would have expected. It was a very good experience I would give them an A+++ rating!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I am so thankful I finally have a doctor that listens and I am not just a number,a doctor that is eager to help me and gives me hope,I feel so much better since I have been under the care of doctor krishnan,I have a new outlook on life. All his Staff from the the receptionist to the nurses are proffessional and friendly and make you feel welcome .","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The staff were friendly and respectful. The office was clean and run very efficiently. Dr Krishnan was great and listened to me about the issues I was having and showed concern, and didn’t just shrug them off. I’m very glad I was referred to him and his practice.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan is a phenomenal doctor. He is warm, patient, inquisitive to ensure clarity and understanding of underlying conditions, and approaches each patient with an individualized plan appropriate for their symptoms and diagnosis. I have been to many Doctors in the last several months, and Dr. Krishnan is one of the best. Would absolutely refer.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I can’t give Dr. Krishnan enough praise. Well deserving of more than 5 stars! Dr. Krishnan went over and above expectations to get me in at a moments notice when I was feeling hopeless with my health. He was gracious with his time to ensure all my concerns were addressed. ","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Everyone from the receptionist to Dr. Krishnan were amazing, friendly, personable, and professional. I received a detailed explanation with pictures of my procedure results, which made my husband & myself feel very informed. I highly recommend Dr. Krishnan and his staff!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr Krishnan has always been very sincere and caring about my health. I appreciate him so much! In this times post Covid I feel very fortunate to has a doctor like Dr Krishnan on my team 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING! THE BEST DOCTOR EVER! HE AMAZING WITH LISTENING TO YOU AND WHAT GOING ON AND WHAT YOU'RE STRUGGLING WITH. HE WILL fight for you and what going on.no matter how long it takes!!!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Wonderful staff, they’re all very kind and helpful . Dr. Krishnan was wonderful as well, understood my issues, put me at ease. He really cares and is very personable. I’m glad I took the long drive to Colorado Springs to see him! ","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan was extremely professional, efficient, and thorough during my colonoscopy in the surgery center. Everything went quickly and the report was published before I even got home. I really appreciate the care he took with me and the details provided about the procedure. ","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very pleasant, receptionist, knowledgeable, and quick, checking in. The rest of the staff was very pleasant as well. I was well informed of how my procedure would go and well cared for. Great bedside manner by all. Thank you so much.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan is a very attentive and personable doctor. He truly cares about your health and will listen to everything you have to say as well as come up with a comprehensive medical plan to ensure you are taken care of. I have been seen by Dr. Krishnan a few times now.I live abroad and was hospitalized out of country with diverticulitis earlier this year. There was no follow up from the hospital staff overseas, so I came to him with my concerns and told him that I have a very short window to be seen and will be heading back overseas in less than a week. Dr. Krishnan and his staff worked tirelessly to ensure that they could fit me in for a colonoscopy no matter what to make sure there was nothing serious to worry about. They worked their magic and got me in for my procedure. Everyone on his team is beyond professional, caring, and respectful.I will always come back and see Dr. Krishnan and his staff…no matter where I am in the world.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan is amazing and kind. He is patient and took his time to put me at ease. The front desk person and I unfortunately forgot her name is the friendliest front desk person I've met since I've been in CS.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan provide Outstanding Care. Had an Upper EGD and Colonoscopy done during the same visit. Dr. Krishnan saw me before and after the procedures, ensuring I understood everything that was going to occur and discuss any post procedure results/findings. Then two weeks later I met with him for a personal review of my results and he took his time to answer all of my questions. I did not feel rushed. Highly recommend Dr. Krishnan.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Krishnan and his team were wonderful throughout my whole appointment and procedure. (I especially appreciate the extra TLC and bedside manner of their nurse, Jackie!) The clinic runs in a timely manner and all of the staff are kind and good at what they do. I felt very confident in their care!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan's staff was gracious and knowledgeable. Additionally, they answered phone calls from me very promptly. Dr. Krishnan was outstanding in every way: an attentive and thoughtful listener, a fine comunicator, kind, very bright and obviously well-trained. As soon as he heard my story, he had a plan. Simply stated, he was very competent and caring.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The staff were absolutely amazing. They went out of their way to make me comfortable. Dr. Krishnan was awesome and very personable. I had a great experience with them. They explained everything to me during my procedure, which eased my anxiety.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan practices an evidence-based approach to medicine (as am I); at the same time, not all evidence collection is pleasant and he presents alternative courses for the patient's consideration. Very pleasant and knowledgeable.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan, has always been very knowledgeable and educating me in my health needs. He takes his time and listens to you. He always ask if you have concerns or questions. I would recommend him to family and friends.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. PV Krishnan and his medical staff were wonderful. They were pleasant, explained everything and put me at ease. The front office staff were average. They could work on their interactions with patients.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very personable. . . a colonoscopy is obviously an awkward reason to visit a doctor- particularly for the first time - and he made me very comfortable. Answered all my questions and even popped a joke to lighten the mood (a very subtle and appropriate one, by the way).","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"PHENOMENAL Doctor and staff. Every one knows what they should be doing and they perform everything with perfection. I have no complaints. This is my second procedure with Dr. Krishnan and I wouldn't see anyone else. He's a professional with a great deal of kindness and a caring bedside manner. ","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"He was very professional and took the time to explain everything to me. He did a complete workup on me and identified causes to issues I reported other providers have been ignoring or dismissing for years. I am so grateful for him.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I would highly recommend Dr. Krishnan. I needed to have a scope of my upper GI and did it without anesthesia. Dr. Krishnan walked me through it, encouraging me and calming me. The team that Dr. Krishnan works with are excellent and all showed the same level of compassion and professionalism as Dr. Krishnan. I would highly recommend Dr. Krishnan. ","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Krishnan is the absolute best, most attentive, and caring GI doctor! He always listens to my concerns and does everything he can to make me feel comfortable and ease any anxiety I have. I appreciate everything he does for me and my often challenging gastrointestinal issues.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I recently had a medical procedure performed by Dr. Krishnan. He and his medical staff are outstanding! They're caring, gentle, kept me informed on every aspect of the procedure prior to and after completion. Followed up telephonically the next day. I highly recommend Peak Gastroenterology and Associates to anyone in need of the medical care they provide. Thank You!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"For me, the only difficulty associated with my colonoscopy was in the preparation. And even then, the prep was easy - except for the part about not eating. As for the procedure itself, from my perspective, the doctor was barely involved. We exchanged pleasantries and he gave me the opportunity to ask any questions I might have. With the excellent care I had already received from the attending staff, I had no questions or concerns. The anesthetist then said it was \"sleepy time\". In literally a few seconds of which I was aware, I woke up with the procedure completed. Dr. Krishnan stopped by to check on me and assured me that he would be available should I have any subsequent issues. And since then, I have had absolutely no pain and no other complications or consequences. I appreciated receiving the prompt call the day after to follow up on my condition. Overall, the facilities where my procedure was performed, the staff, and Dr. Krishnan all did a fantastic job. They made me feel they were really taking care to be communicative, careful and complete. I heartily recommend \"Peak Gastro\" to anyone.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Hello Dr Krishnan I just want to let you know how awesome your staff is. I contacted your office as part of my discharge plan from a recent hospitalization. They were so responsive, caring.and supportive. Thank you for a great staff!! Thank you for a great experience.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr Krishnan and expert team were superlative in all aspects of this procedure. This is my second experience with the company, and it remains at the top of my medical experiences. Everyone was friendly, professional, supportive, and smoothly efficient. I could not have asked for a better procedure experience!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"This doctor is fabulous! He is brilliant in his field of expertise (just read his bio). Shows genuine concern, and is a very good listener. One of the best doctors I have ever been to. I would highly recommend him to anyone. ","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Krishnan is excellent and highly recommended! The staff and nurses were all excellent, and made my procedure as comfortable as possible. I highly recommend anyone in the team that took care of me!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I would recommend Dr Krishnan to my family and friends he was so nice and put me at ease right away about my procedure. He explained everything took his time and made sure to answer any questions I had. I appreciate a Doctor who takes there time with a patient.Thank you !","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I have known Dr Krishnan for many years. I was very confident in his ability to perform this procedure. He told me exactly what he was going to do before the procedure. After the procedure, he already had a plan for my care. Thank you Dr Krishnan. I plan on referring a lot of people to you.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I like that this doctor is to the point and doesn’t engage in nonsense. He was on time, and did not waste my time. Personable, but also very professional and equipped with excellent questioning skills to get to the bottom of problems that brought you in.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan took care of my elderly mother with the best care & she is well again . he is so Kind & takes the time to explain every detail of the procedure that was done . I will HIGHLY Recommend him to family & Friends ! Thank You Dr. Krishnan","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Fantastic conversation pre/post op. Verified I understood what was happening, the reason, and result thus far. Very friendly and good humor. Really made me feel more comfortable during this process. I'm very excited he's on my health team for my care!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan spent substantial time following the procedure to explain in detail what he had found and what my future treatment options were. He answered all my questions in laymen s language, making sure I understood my medical condition completely. Great bedside manner!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Very friendly staff, got me in quickly and made the experience as fun as possible with this kind of procedure. Had my visit on a Friday, was told I was lucky it was \"Boy Band\" Friday. Thought they were joking but low and behold, Back Street boys was playing in the background in the procedure room. Fun Group of people.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"The Dr played close attention to my problems and ordered a drug that so far seems to be helping. His nurse Jane was superior and helped far beyond what I expected. Totally the best GI office in my experience.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I thought he was running late but he came in completely aware of all of my results and condition and had already put in a lab order. He quickly reviewed them and outlined his plan for me. He clearly explained everything. Even though he was quick and efficient, he did not rush me and took the time to answer my questions.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan was simply amazing! I was nervous about this procedure, I put it off for three years. I am so happy I had it done! Dr Krishnan made me feel at ease and calmed me down. I now have peace of mind and don't need another colonoscopy for ten years! I hope he's still here as he's the doctor I'd request!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"My recent experience at Peak Gastroenterology was good. Dr. Krishnan and his staff are knowledgeable and caring. My questions were answered and I was taken care of very well. I highly recommend Peak Gastroenterology.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"This was just my first visit with Dr. Krishnan, but he listened to my concerns, offered his input on what might be going on, and ordered several tests to get to the bottom of things. I appreciate his knowledgeable, proactive approach, and am hopeful that I may finally get some answers about my condition.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I first saw Dr. Krishnan a few years ago for a problem that, after some testing, was diagnosed as IBS. The prescription he then gave me solved my problems completely. Since then, I have seen him a few times for unrelated g.i. issues, and he has always been attentive and empathetic. His nurse, Jane, is the best ever, always eager to consult with Dr. Krishnan and answer my questions between appointments. They are both very professional and have my trust and admiration.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Very pleasant to speak with, explained the procedure in detail addressed any questions I had. I had a little bit of reservations and he ensured me everything would be fantastic. It was as he described, quick and painless.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I've have several office visits and procedures with Dr. Krishnan. He is extremely competent, professional, knowledgeable, gracious and personable. While, over the years, I've had some frustrations with the front office (making appointments, etc.), Dr. Krishnan himself is an excellent choice for anything gastroenterology-related. Highly recommended.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I was so very pleased with the level of professionalism of both Dr. Krishnan AND his staff. They were so kind, respectful, and effecient. Everyone worked together to turn an otherwise stressful procedure into a stressLESS procedure. I couldn't ask for a more professional experience than what I received. Thatnk you Dr. Krishnan and your staff!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Krishnan was the third GI doctor I've seen. He was the first GI doctor who had a thorough understanding of my condition, explained things in detail, and had a good plan for management of my condition. He was also willing to run additional tests and dig deeper when I was continuing to have problems. His medical assistant, Jane, is phenomenal. She went above and beyond to help get questions answered and medications changed between appointments. Really a great medical team!","rating":5}],"filter":"","reviewCharacterLimit":300,"items":"3","animation":"fadeInUp","helpers":""}]},{"id":"S0P0mTQyRpKYqjt7QQkWeQ","name":"Vanessa Lee","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778330-vanessaleenew.jpg","alt":"Vanessa Lee"},"slug":"vanessa-lee","credentials":"MD","intro":"

Dr. Lee comes to Peak Gastroenterology Associates from her practice in central Virginia. She trained at the University of Virginia in internal medicine and gastroenterology.


Dr. Lee is a general gastroenterologist who specializes in colon and rectal cancer screening, the evaluation and management of gastroesophageal reflux disease, inflammatory bowel disease, liver diseases, and irritable bowel syndrome. As a female physician, Dr. Lee appreciates the concerns and specific needs of the female patient. Dr. Lee is excited to be a part of Peak Gastroenterology Associates and to bring a woman’s perspective to the practice.

  1. NASH and cryptogenic cirrhosis: A histological analysis
  2. \n
  3. Addition of adult-to-adult living donation to liver transplant programs improves survival but at an increased cost
  4. \n
  5. Liver dysfunction associated with parenteral nutrition: What are the options?
  6. \n
  7. AGA Guidebook to ABIM maintenance of certification: 2007 Annual Update in Gastroenterology Supplement
  8. \n
  9. Resolution of decompensated cirrhosis from Wilson’s disease with zinc monotherapy: A therapeutic option?
  10. \n
  11. Contributor to Model for End Stage Liver Disease (MELD) predicts non-transplant surgical mortality in patients with cirrhosis
  12. \n
","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"doETZxSRQRujN6fmX_Ym-g","slug":"interquest","label":"Interquest","coordinates":{"latitude":38.99161730000001,"longitude":-104.7990767},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576753-interquest.jpg","alt":"downtown","id":"EsbZcm4bR0GswEnUizdDSQ"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

1370 Interquest Pkwy, Suite 320,
Colorado Springs, CO 80921

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"OPhF9xhbRxi595WnIVMl4Q","slug":"scope","label":"SCOPE","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576723-scope-banner.jpg","alt":"buildings","id":"d-6m74KJQ6q3CEEe_G2nQA"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 362-2300","address":"

2920 N. Cascade Ave., Suite 100,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"DM80yx1hSGqsl9eiy15gsg","slug":"penrose-hospital","label":"Penrose Hospital","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8652866,"longitude":-104.8224717},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2222 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"fR8sGJyyTYOAX8PagyisoQ","slug":"memorial-north-uchealth","label":"Memorial North/UCHealth","coordinates":{"latitude":38.9670419,"longitude":-104.7549197},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

4050 Briargate Pkwy., Colorado Springs, CO 80920

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"EmUhbxDSRxGaqiLcxyEN0A","slug":"opec","label":"OPEC","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1719520126-opec-banner.jpg","alt":"desert and mountain scene","id":"GIMM-ARkQdq_ZSSsZChGDA"},"phoneNumber":"(719) 895-9090","address":"

1615 Medical Center Point,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Vanessa Lee, MD | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Dr. Lee comes to Peak Gastroenterology Associates from her practice in central Virginia. ","image":null},"modules":[{"_modelApiKey":"reviews_slider","id":"dQ8gN614QbS_Vsl5uCML6A","title":"","link":null,"linkLabel":"","reviews":[{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is courteous, professional and very friendly. She explained my procedure, and confirmed my past medical history which put my mind at ease. I highly recommend Dr. Lee and will continue to see her in the future for my medical needs.. Thank you, Dr.Lee","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Lee is so gifted and professional. She follows a detailed plan to come up with the correct prognosis. Her treatment resulted in significant improvement in my condition, with symptoms greatly reduced or completely resolved. I’m highly satisfied with the care she provided, and would recommend her services without hesitation.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee and her P.A. Caroline were wonderful. They were both attentive listeners and I did not feel rushed. Dr. Lee listened to my concerns and adjusted her suggestions to match my specific medical conditions. She even suggested a slight change in an ongoing prescription that will save me money. The bloodwork was completed at the end of the visit right down the hall from Peak Gastroenterology. Several tests and procedures were ordered and a prescription was sent to my pharmacy while I was there. Highly Recommend!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is amazing. She's patient, and extremely knowledgeable. I felt seen and heard which hasn't been my experience with other gastro docs. She dove deep into my medical history to find out the best course of treatment for me. I finally feel I'm in good hands.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr Lee was very professional with a great bedside manner. She was confident in what she was doing and made me feel comfortable with what was going to happen. She made it easy to discuss very private matters and concerns and provided really good options and advice both before and after the procedure. The anesthesiologist was very thorough and had a great bedside manner. The team was also very confident and sensitive to me and my needs for privacy in a place that has a lot going on. I highly recommend Dr Lee and the team at this office.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee was professional, personable and very knowledgeable. She walked me through every step of my process and answered my questions thoroughly. Her demeanor and confidence put me at ease for what was an anxiety ridden situation for me. Everyone in the office was professional and kind. Allison, Rich, Mike, Jerry, and Kayla took good care of me before and after my procedure. I highly recommend this office. Thank you Dr. Lee for getting me through it.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is very attentive and listens to what you say. She explains everything so you can understand what she is talking about. She is an excellent doctor who is truly concerned about her patients.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is the kindest Dr. I have ever seen. Kind, caring, never rushed, listens very carefully to my issues. I have seen her for 3 years. I would never want to use anyone else. I had several colonoscopies/ upper endoscopes as well as office visits. You will not be disappointed with Dr, Lee","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is absolutely the best GI doctor! She thoroughly goes over the symptoms you are having and speaks to you about what your plan of care is going to be. Ask if you have any questions for her, so that she can put your mind at ease. She is genuinely caring and just a really nice person. I highly recommend her for anyone that needs to see a GI Specialist??????","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I am a new patient of Dr. Vanessa Lee, and am so appreciative of her time, concern, kindness, professionalism, expertise, organization and experience. I highly recommend Dr. Lee as a competent GI doctor!!!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee was great! She answered all the questions that I had being it was my first time having this type of procedure. Everything was great down to the staff my nurse anesthetist I do not remember her name and I do apologize for that but she was great as well, I would highly recommend this office to anybody that needs to have a colonoscopy done. It was my first time meeting anybody in this office down to the front staff and I would go back to Dr. Lee and her staff. Thank you for answering all my questions. Thank you for treating me so well and not only just being a doctor, but being a human.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee was very professional AND personal. Even though I was the last patient of the day, she didn't rush, she explained things to me and she treated me with much respect. Wonderful experience for my first colonoscopy.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is extremely knowledgeable, very passionate about what she does in helping others. She has taken very detailed care of me as to not miss a thing and she hasn’t. I would highly recommend Dr. Lee to anyone seeking a Gastro doctor in need of the very best.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I came into the office for my first colonoscopy. I was greeted by very friendly, respectful and competent staff. Upon meeting Dr Lee for the first time, I was immediately put at ease. She was very cheerful and personable. She took time to explain the procedure, etc. I felt 100% trust in her abilities and was happy to be under her care, as well as that of Dr Moore. I would absolutely recommend!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is a very knowledgeable and compassionate doctor. She will always listen to all of your concerns before offering advise. Dr. Lee explains medical options clearly and concisely. She has been willing to go above and beyond for her patients. Once, when I arrived unready for my colonoscopy after a rather difficult night trying to prep for the procedure, she offered to come in later in the day, on her time off, to accommodate me. I was so impressed by her humanity and kindness. I recommend her to all of my friends and family.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Have had both colonoscopy and endoscopy with Dr Lee - one of my favorite Doctors ever. Takes the time to explain everything and listens closely. Very knowledgeable, considerate and kind. Would highly recommend to anyone.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Lee was very interested in my concerns as a human and a patient. She took the time to ask me what was happening, what I may have concerns with and then she explained the process to me. She’s very thorough and one of the best doctors I’ve had.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee has a reassuring manner, is personable and respectful, and takes time to answer questions. She went the added mile (or two or three) during a recent appointment where not all the factors went according to plan. Dr. Lee clearly cares about her patients and their experience with U C Health. I've seen her twice, and her skill and professionalism are extraordinary.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I was very happy with Dr Lee I was very reluctant because I hadn’t met her before my procedure but she came in before it and let me know everything about the procedure I felt so much better having spoken to her. Then she came in after and told me her finding she was amazing and I would recommend her to everyone!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee had exceptional bed side manner and was very thorough in procedural explanations. She seems caring and this is something I have have not seen much of as a patient and a retired nurse practitioner who has worked with many different physicians over the years. Please let Dr. Lee know how valuable she is to our community and the medical field in general. Much love. Tanna Skinner","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"It was a great experience as everything was explained every step of the way and since I have had multiple colonoscopies in other places I was impressed. I appreciated the call the next day to see how I was doing.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"We would say she is the best G.I. doctor that’s out there. She takes time to talk to you, is very caring and compassionate, and can explain things in a way that we can understand. I really appreciate the care that she gives.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Even though the thought of a colonoscopy is no fun, Dr. Lee and her staff were amazing. They made me as comfortable as possible from the time I walked in until I left the facility. They patiently walked through the procedure, validating my understanding and comfort at every step of the process.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"This was my 1st time ever having this procedure & I went from heart pounding & thinking \"I am never doing this again\" to meeting Dr. Lee & feeling completely at ease & even happy to do it again in the future. Her beside manner & demeanor are top notch.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Great customer service and very knowledgeable. Dr Lee listened to my issues and concerns and helped make a game plan for future care. Very professional and down to earth. Her MA is very nice and helpful as well. Will recommend to all family and friends.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee and the rest of the medical staff were very welcoming during the preparation process for my procedure. They ensured I understood all areas of the procedure and answered all of my questions and concerns with a smile. Extremely professional team.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr lee is very personable, had great bedside manner, as well as has an amazing personality. She made my nervousness of going under sedation for the first time nonexistent. I would recommend her for all my scopes as well as colonoscopies.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Very pleasant Doctor. It was so nice to see a doctor finally and not a second person just reading the results of my upper G.I. She knew what she was talking about bc she seen my inside. Thank you very much. May God bless you for being a great doctor.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I cannot express my gratitude w words. I was a nervous first timer (colonoscopy) and Dr. Lee and everyone I met that morning made it so nice and relaxing. Their kind professionalism and friendliness made it so easy for me. Thank you thank you very much.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"From the check in to the prep and the procedure everyone was so warm and friendly. They made sure I was comfortable and knowledgeable every step of the way. Dr. Lee is so personable and really takes the time to talk to you.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is phenomenal! She has an excellent bedside manner, is patient, funny, extremely knowledgeable, very competent, and made me completely comfortable with my procedure. No one looks forward to a colonoscopy, but you've gotta do it, so do it with someone who is going to take great care of you--Dr. Lee!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is kind and thorough. She listens to questions, answers them, and is very informative of the procedure and expectations. She followed up quickly with lab results, and explained next steps in detail. I highly recommend her!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is so friendly and welcoming. She explained the procedure in terms that anyone can understand. I could only see her eyes but could tell she was smiling under her mask. 🙂 I can't say enough! Although it was a medical procedure, I felt comfortable and at ease. Thank you for the great care!!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is courteous, friendly, and has such a cheerful disposition. My interaction with Dr. Lee is one that made me feel extremely comfortable and at ease. She took the time to explain the procedure to me which not all doctors do. I would highly recommend her to anyone...thank you Dr. Lee!!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Lee was fantastic! By finding that correct balance of professionalism and information-sharing and compassion and humor -- I will definitely be attempting to have her as my physician on any appropriate future procedure! Thank you, Dr. Lee!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Honestly I can’t say enough positive things about Dr. Lee. She has listened to every concern as if I was a family member and showed compassion when needed. She’s so knowledgeable and I have never seen nothing but a smile and upbeat attitude. I will always recommend her.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Vanessa Lee is absolutely amazing! A++++ Her personality & thoroughness before & after my procedure was undoubtedly the best experience I've had with a medical professional in a very long time. I highly recommend this doctor.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee was very professional, she discussed the results of my procedure in detail, I found her to be very soothing, she made me feel calm right away, this was my first visit with Dr. Lee and I would definitely go back to her if I needed to.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Lee is an exceptional clinician and diagnostician. And those qualities are coupled with a keen interest in my medical condition and health. She listens carefully, answers in a clear, understandable way and shows a genuine desire to heal.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"I met with Vanessa Lee for the first time and was very impressed. She was very thorough in explaining things, spent quite a bit of time listening to me and answering my questions. She is very personable and made me feel at ease when discussing my concerns. I would highly recommend her!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee and staff were so professional, efficient and caring. For a procedure that isn't \"lining them up at the doors\", Dr. Lee quicky eleviated my apprehension with her great attitude and sense of humor. From check in to release I was informed, comfortable and completely at ease.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I had a colonoscopy for first time but I got lucky to have Dr Lee for second time. She did also a endoscopy and I just want to say thank you Dr Lee for an Amazing team . I felt very safe, treated with kind and very friendly. I like that the results are ready after the procedure .","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"This was my 4th colonoscopy in 2 years. Dr. Lee is caring and vigilant, open, honest, and always positive…I love her humor as she always makes me laugh. She takes care of me and colon cancer is in my genetic line. I trust her! Each time her staff has given me complete care….A+","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Doctor Lee and assistant are very caring professionals. Dr. Lee explained about my medical case so throughly wisely taking the time and dedication. She is an excellent dr and would come to her medical office as needed. I’d highly recommend her to anyone who wants a trustable and excellent doctor.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee was very personable. She provided information about what she was going to do, what she was looking for, and why. Afterwards, she explained what she found and what she did not find. Thank you for treating me like a person.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"My colonoscopy was painless, quick and easy. The team at Peak Gastroenterology was efficient, skilled and friendly. Dr Lee took time to answer all my many questions and clearly explained everything before and after the procedure. I was concerned about being too groggy following but the drug wore off very quickly. The whole process took only an hour and a half. I will definitely come back when the times comes around again and highly recommend Peak Gastroenterology and Dr. Vanessa Lee!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"She performed a colonoscopy and endoscopy on me. She was very thorough in her pre- and post-procedure discussions. Very open to questions. Extremely personable and made me feel very comfortable about a procedure I had worried about having.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I've been going to Peak Gastro for years. This was my first appointment with Dr. Lee. This one appointment was better than all my previous appointments. Everything she said or asked was pertinent to my situation. I learned a lot and have a very hopeful action plan for the solution to my problems.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"I had a very bad experience 12 years ago with a procedure I had. Dr. Lee was very kind and made me feel safe. I was very scared at first. But after this procedure I will never be scared again for a procedure. Thank you for the amazing care!!! She has a very relaxing vibe and trusting her was easy","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"What a wonderful, caring, brilliant doctor! I know Dr. Lee was very busy with a lot of G.I. procedures that day, but she took the time with every one of her patients, both before and after surgery, to assess our needs, our concerns and our understanding of the procedures. She definitely put my concerns to rest. After my procedure, she came in to explain everything to my wife and me, and gave us a packet of pictures from the procedure as well as her final diagnosis. I look forward to my follow-up visit with Dr. Lee and know that my health issues are in the best hands.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Excellent communicator and enthusiastic doctor, always ready to help. My husband has been under her care for the past couple of years. I requested her for my Colonscopy because she is easy to talk with and will answer any questions. She's concerned about her patients. Highly recommend!","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee met with me before and after my colonoscopy. This was my third procedure and the first time the doctor met with me before the procedure started. It was very reassuring. Dr Lee took the time to go over the findings with me after the procedure was completed. she is very professional and caring. Great experience!","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"very good - takes into consideration the distance I have to travel-3 hours. Dr. Lee explained things very thoroughly before my procedure & answered my questions that I emailed to her before hand. Very attentive to me & my situation.","rating":5},{"title":"Patient Submitted Review","review":"Dr. Lee is a fantastic doctor! She is very thorough. She takes very good care of her patients. She does not make you feel rushed or that she's in a hurry to move on to the next patient. She is as sweet as pie. So upbeat and positive. I just love her being my doctor. She remembers things about from visit to visit that I cannot believe that remembers! She and her staff are actually responsible for saving my life, in going that extra mile, digging deeper, and finding a carcinoid tumor, beyond her scope of work, that otherwise would have gone undetected. I am ever so thankful for Dr. Lee. She's one doctor that I don't get the jitters or get nervous when it is time to go see her. :)","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Doctor Lee is the most caring dr I have ever had! She will do whatever it takes to make you feel better and to get the answers you need! She will fight with you through whatever your going through! You can see that she truly loves her job and her parents! I would and have recommended her to my friends and family.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Lee is extraordinary, her professionalism goes beyond anything I have ever experienced. This speaks volumes considering I have had multiple procedures over the past 18 years. She is more than knowledgeable and capable of caring for your needs. This was my first experience with Dr. Lee and as far as I’m concerned she will stay my GI physician. She also recently cared for my daughter who is 33. Our family unfortunately has a history of colon cancer. She did not hesitate to see her and as a result possibly saved her life. She had found a pre aggressive cancer that most may have not found as it was hiding out at the entrance of the appendix. She will have to have surgery to remove her appendix but had Dr. Lee not found this my daughter may not have been around to see her children grow up. So Dr. Lee from the bottom of my heart and mom to mom I thank you! ??","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Doctor Lee is a professional who listens to our problems and explain everything that we need to know to take care of the health problems that we have.She is always polite and respectful and she doesn't interrupt you when u ask a question.She makes sure we understand everything that she tells us.Her prescribed medication is safe for our health and it really helps!We recommend doctor Lee because she is very good in what she does and always makes time for us even though she has so many patients she works hard to give us a solution even when we out of hope! Doctor Lee is an amazing doctor that everyone should have on their side! Choose doctor Lee and ur not gonna be sorry.She is also very good and careful in her procedures.thank u doctor Lee.Donny Vandetti","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Dr. Lee is an amazing doctor and I give her the highest of recommendations. She is extremely knowledgeable, kind, caring, and takes the time to explain things and answer your questions. You are in great hands with Dr. Lee","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Wow! So friendly and nice. Really felt like a person and not just a chart. Nicest staff and nurses!!! Great bedside manners! Dr Lee was very personable and great at making me feel comfortable! Thank you.","rating":5},{"title":"rater8 Verified Patient","review":"Always so friendly and listens to what you have to say. I love that she’s always willing to explain things in a way I can understand. I’ve had other doctors for my crohns and none of them have made me feel as they understand me and what I’m going through as Dr.Lee has.","rating":5}],"filter":"","reviewCharacterLimit":300,"items":"3","animation":"fadeInUp","helpers":""}]},{"id":"Su2NBxYPRD6MzZu2hH6x0w","name":"Zahra Harrison","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778317-zahra-harrison-icon.jpg","alt":"Zahra Harrison"},"slug":"zahra-harrison","credentials":"NP","intro":"

I am a certified advanced practice nurse and qualified healthcare provider and clinician with experience caring for patients in both gastroenterology and internal medicine. I am bilingual, fluent in English and Persian.


I am patient oriented, a critical thinker with a client service attitude, and I have a high degree of integrity with well-developed communication and teaching skills. I adapt to change. I look forward to participating in your healthcare journey.

","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"IojB5Nf0Qr-Y7DnIjepJFA","slug":"cascade","label":"Cascade","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576677-cascade-banner.jpg","alt":"Cascade","id":"LpsPeWqESxaEJOouaVhw6w"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

2920 N Cascade Ave, Suite 300,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Zahra Harrison | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"I am a certified advanced practice nurse and qualified healthcare provider and clinician.","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"D6kDV7lKQ-WHyS_MgRC8hQ","name":"Chelsea Nelson","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778304-chelseanelsonicon.jpg","alt":"Chelsea Nelson"},"slug":"chelsea-nelson","credentials":"NP","intro":"

Chelsea comes to Peak from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where she spent six years practicing gastroenterology; her main focus of care has been inflammatory bowel disease and general GI.


She encourages patients to be involved in their healthcare decisionmaking and focuses on individualized plans of care. 

","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"doETZxSRQRujN6fmX_Ym-g","slug":"interquest","label":"Interquest","coordinates":{"latitude":38.99161730000001,"longitude":-104.7990767},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576753-interquest.jpg","alt":"downtown","id":"EsbZcm4bR0GswEnUizdDSQ"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

1370 Interquest Pkwy, Suite 320,
Colorado Springs, CO 80921

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Chelsea Nelson | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Chelsea comes to Peak from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where she spent six years practicing gastroenterology.","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"cxbvlvzcR9ewWUm37uDi_g","name":"Jamie Thompson","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778291-jamie-thompson-icon.jpg","alt":"Jamie Thompson"},"slug":"jamie-thompson","credentials":"NP","intro":"

Jamie is a graduate of the University of Colorado-Beth El College of Nursing. She has served as a Certified Nurse Practitioner in pulmonary medicine, hospitalist medicine, gastroenterology, and internal medicine.


Jamie is board certified through the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. She specializes in liver diseases and has focused on the long-term treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in the outpatient setting.


“Treating my patients is an opportunity to help them more thoroughly understand their health issues and treatment options.”

","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"doETZxSRQRujN6fmX_Ym-g","slug":"interquest","label":"Interquest","coordinates":{"latitude":38.99161730000001,"longitude":-104.7990767},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576753-interquest.jpg","alt":"downtown","id":"EsbZcm4bR0GswEnUizdDSQ"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

1370 Interquest Pkwy, Suite 320,
Colorado Springs, CO 80921

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Jamie Thompson | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Jamie is a graduate of the University of Colorado-Beth El College of Nursing.","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"N43lZNvuRnqfEsMGfnGhJg","name":"Jennifer Flickinger","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778274-peak-gastro-jenny-flickinger-final_20161.jpg","alt":"Jennifer Flickinger"},"slug":"jennifer-flickinger","credentials":"NP","intro":"

Jenny completed her Bachelors of Biology science at Notre Dame of Ohio. She subsequently received her nursing degree at Ursuline College in Pepper Pike, Ohio. Her first job was at Metro Health Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and the orthopedic/trauma floor. She also worked in Youngstown, Ohio, at St. Elizabeth hospital as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE).


Jenny continued to work as a traveling nurse in the NICU as she completed her master’s degree in the Family Nurse Practitioner program at the University of Cincinnati. She moved to Colorado in 2019, where she gained experience in orthopedic and pain management. Jenny is a Family Nurse Practitioner and is certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). Her goal is to continue making a positive impact on her patients and their families. Outside work, Jenny enjoys spending time with her family and traveling.

","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"fR8sGJyyTYOAX8PagyisoQ","slug":"memorial-north-uchealth","label":"Memorial North/UCHealth","coordinates":{"latitude":38.9670419,"longitude":-104.7549197},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

4050 Briargate Pkwy., Colorado Springs, CO 80920

","modelType":"affiliate"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Jennifer Flickinger | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Jenny completed her Bachelors of Biology science at Notre Dame of Ohio. ","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"SFj16gl6T0C7uOPpUKNLEA","name":"Morgan Tevlin","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1717778214-morgantevlinicon.jpg","alt":"Morgan Tevlin"},"slug":"morgan-tevlin","credentials":"NP","intro":"

Morgan is a certified Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner. Her background includes caring for patients in the fields of neurology, organ transplant, oncology, and gastrointestinal illnesses. A New Jersey native, Morgan is happy to call Colorado her home since 2016. She encourages patients to be involved in their own healthcare decisions and will work with you to create an individualized plan of care.

","about":"","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"UQQd5z96SkanFvJbMk3zPQ","slug":"colorado-springs","label":"Colorado Springs","coordinates":{"latitude":38.8739367,"longitude":-104.798001},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"(719) 636-1201","address":"","modelType":"area-served"},{"id":"IojB5Nf0Qr-Y7DnIjepJFA","slug":"cascade","label":"Cascade","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576677-cascade-banner.jpg","alt":"Cascade","id":"LpsPeWqESxaEJOouaVhw6w"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

2920 N Cascade Ave, Suite 300,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Morgan Tevlin | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Morgan is a certified Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner.","image":null},"modules":[]},{"id":"fFpoSSAeSZKRpbVs8cVvgw","name":"April Cruickshank","media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1719526134-april-cruickshank.jpg","alt":"April Cruickshank, Peak Gastro"},"slug":"april-cruickshank","credentials":"PA-C, RDN","intro":"

April Cruickshank, PA-C, RDN, is a physician assistant trained in clinical nutrition, serving the Cascade and Interquest locations. She completed a Master of Science in Nutrition and Wellness at Benedictine University and a Master of Medical Science at Yale University.


April practiced as a registered dietitian for ten years, specializing in diabetes, oncology, and bariatrics. Inspired by the comfort and support providers offered to cancer patients and their families, she decided to become a physician assistant. Her favorite part of practicing medicine is connecting with her patients. Their stories, humor, and hardships help her understand their unique positions in their care journey and guide them to their next steps.


April lives in Colorado Springs with her husband, two children, two dogs, and chickens.

","experience":"","awards":"","education":"","specialty":"","professionalCommittees":"","publications":"","locations":[{"id":"IojB5Nf0Qr-Y7DnIjepJFA","slug":"cascade","label":"Cascade","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576677-cascade-banner.jpg","alt":"Cascade","id":"LpsPeWqESxaEJOouaVhw6w"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

2920 N Cascade Ave, Suite 300,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"doETZxSRQRujN6fmX_Ym-g","slug":"interquest","label":"Interquest","coordinates":{"latitude":38.99161730000001,"longitude":-104.7990767},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576753-interquest.jpg","alt":"downtown","id":"EsbZcm4bR0GswEnUizdDSQ"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

1370 Interquest Pkwy, Suite 320,
Colorado Springs, CO 80921

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Michelle, a distinguished leader in the GI and liver communities for over 30 years, joins PEAK Gastroenterology after 23 years with Associates in Gastroenterology in Colorado Springs. Her passion for patient advocacy and a healthy lifestyle complements her extensive professional accolades and community involvement.


Michelle has been a leader in the physician assistant, GI and liver communities for over three decades. She is thrilled to join PEAK Gastroenterology after working with Associates in Gastroenterology in Colorado Springs for 23 years. Her achievements include being a recipient of the Distinguished Fellow of American Academy of Physician Assistants. Michelle is also a former Colorado Academy of Physician Assistants (CAPA) President, CAPA PA of the year, and has represented Colorado at the AAPA House of Delegates for 8 years. In 2021, she was selected for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America advanced practice provider inflammatory bowel diseases internship at the University of Chicago and was also the recipient of the 2021 International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) Ally Award for continued support of patients living with GI illnesses.


Michelle’s is passionate about advocating for and empowering patients with liver disease. She served for four years on the Colorado chapter of the American Liver Foundation Board of Directors and recently completed a two-year term on the Ethics Committee for the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. 


Michelle understands the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including the roles of nutrition, yoga and meditation. Michelle enjoys traveling, musical theater, hiking and spending time with her family and 2 Shelties. She is an avid supporter of the Colorado Avalanche, Colorado Buffalos football team and the Denver Broncos.

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1370 Interquest Pkwy, Suite 320,
Colorado Springs, CO 80921

","modelType":"location"},{"id":"IojB5Nf0Qr-Y7DnIjepJFA","slug":"cascade","label":"Cascade","coordinates":{"latitude":38.873934,"longitude":-104.8231637},"media":{"url":"https://www.datocms-assets.com/132372/1716576677-cascade-banner.jpg","alt":"Cascade","id":"LpsPeWqESxaEJOouaVhw6w"},"phoneNumber":" (719) 636-1201","address":"

2920 N Cascade Ave, Suite 300,
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

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Thomas Welton, MD, is a highly regarded expert in performing colonoscopy for colon cancer prevention, upper endoscopy for gastric and esophagus cancer prevention, and diagnosis of Barrett’s esophagus, acid reflux disease, swallowing disorders, and peptic ulcers.


Dr. Welton sees patients at Castle Rock Advent Hospital. Dr. Welton has an extensive background in clinical research, which has aided him greatly in his general practice. Through clinical research, he realized that medications have limited benefits and that a comprehensive lifestyle approach is more beneficial when treating patients. He recommends lowering carbohydrates in the diet and maintaining an active lifestyle.


Originally from Kansas, Dr. Welton graduated from the University of Kansas Medical School and later completed his medical training as a board-certified gastroenterologist at the University of Utah Medical Center. He is a dedicated Kansas basketball fan and a loyal supporter of the Kansas City Chiefs. Since moving to Colorado, he has been an avid supporter of the Denver Nuggets and the Colorado Avalanche.


Dr. Welton lives in Castle Rock with his wife, Mary, and they have six grown children spread out across the country. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife, traveling to see his family, and going on adventures with his faithful golden retriever. Dr. Welton loves staying active through CrossFit, playing golf, and enjoying Colorado’s outdoor activities, such as hiking, skiing, and snowshoeing.

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9395 Crown Crest Blvd., Parker, CO 80138

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"IF8kLZl5TNuOZzW6DPebtA","slug":"porter-adventist","label":"Porter Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.6700604,"longitude":-104.9744886},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2525 S. Downing St., Denver, CO 80210

","modelType":"affiliate"},{"id":"TjpqQLLsR_OLzr8XuVdLZA","slug":"castle-rock-adventist","label":"Castle Rock Adventist","coordinates":{"latitude":39.4052753,"longitude":-104.8839168},"media":null,"phoneNumber":"","address":"

2350 Meadows Blvd., Castle Rock, CO 80109

","modelType":"affiliate"}],"providerLocations":[],"services":[],"seo":{"title":"Thomas Welton | Peak Gastroenterology Associates","description":"Thomas Welton, MD, is an expert in colonoscopy for colon cancer prevention, upper endoscopy for gastric and esophagus cancer prevention, and diagnosis of Barrett’s esophagus.","image":null},"modules":[]}],"staff":[]};
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